It can be a minefield especially after your first baby on safety precautions you need to put in place once your baby becomes active. They love to explore, everything goes in the mouth and they don't really have a sense for danger so here are some tips on baby proofing your house and keeping it a safe place as your child grows.

It can be a minefield especially after your first baby on safety precautions you need to put in place once your baby becomes mobile. They love to explore, everything goes in the mouth and they don't really have a sense for danger so here are some tips on baby proofing your house and keeping it a safe place as your child grows.
  • Around the home install corner and edge guards on any sharp furniture. Secure units, bookcases and chest of drawers to the wall. The safest place for a TV with toddlers is mounted to a wall but if you cannot do this, consider anchoring your TV with safety straps.
  • Knives, scissors, pots, pans and breakables should not be accessible. Secure all presses within reach with locks or latches. Stove and knob guards are essential for any parent in the kitchen to prevent burns. Secure your oven door with an appliance latch and always remember to turn handles of pots and pans inwards when cooking. 
  • Baby safety gates are must if you have stairs. Install a baby gate at both ends to prevent any falls. Around the home, insert sponge door stoppers to protect their little fingers too. And if you have a fire, install a fireplace grill again to protect their adventurous little hands.
  • When it comes to cords and even appliances keep them out of reach or block with furniture. Invest in outlet covers for unused electrical outlets. Keep straighteners, shavers, kettles, toasters and hairdryers plugged out when not in use.
  • In regards to sleep never use cot bumpers, sleep positioners and keep babies sleep space clear of any objects. When baby becomes mobile lower the position of the cot or crib and remove any musical mobiles or hanging toys.
  • Window safety is something we don't usually think about but it is as important as everything else listed here. Cut off or tie up dangling cords on drapes and blinds. Invest in window locks to prevent any potentially harmful situations. Window locks are designed to limit a windows maximum opening distance reducing the risk of injury from falls but still allowing fresh air to flow in through the small gap.
  • Ensure hazardous items are locked away or up high out of reach at all times. This includes cleaning products, hand sanitizers, laundry pods/capsules, medications, vitamins, toiletries, make-up and toxic plants. Babies, toddler and beyond are curious little explorers. Always have the National Poisons Information Centres number handy. If you are unsure what to do if your child had eaten or drank a poison, chemical or medication of any sort ring 01-8092166 any day of the week between the 8am-10pm for non-judgemental urgent advice. 
  • Regardless of the time of year water safety is essential. Empty all paddling pools and store them away especially throughout the winter months when rainwater can fill them up easily. If your bath taps are anyway easy to switch on or off remove all drain plug and keep them stored high or invest in bath knob covers. You can also now install toilet seat locks to prevent drowning. And remember, never leave small amounts of water or any liquid in buckets or other containers around the home or garden.
Written by Kellie Kearney staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at