Parents are pushing the boundaries when it comes to the names they choose for their babies.

We didn't see this one coming but we really love it. Gender neutral baby names are becoming more and more popular. Parents are pushing the boundaries when it comes to the names they choose for their babies. It's no longer as simple as choosing a “girls name” for your little girl or a “boys name” for your little boy. Parents are making their own rules.
The trend has been popular among Hollywood parents for quite a while now. I 2014 Gossip Girl's Blake Lively surprised her fans when she announced that she and husband Ryan Reynolds called their baby girl James. James is one of the top boy names in the UK and Ireland. When asked about their name choice Ryan Reynolds was surprised that it was considered a big deal at all. His wife Blake “likes having a boy's name” and in the grand scheme of “weird celebrity names” he didn't think it was a big deal.
In 2015 singer Ashlee Simpson called her baby girl Jagger. It was inspired by Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger and has gone on to become a popular unisex name since then.
Just this week Hello Magazine has named it's top 20 neutral baby names. Charlie, Jules, Riley and River were among the most popular. River was chosen by two celebrities families in recent years. Jamie Oliver and Kelly Clarkson chose it for their respective sons and daughters.
What do you think? Would you call your child a name that people would consider “for the other gender”?
