There are hundreds of thousands to choose from and even when you narrow it down it can still be rather daunting picking the right name for your pending arrival.

Not everyone is going to agree and, of course, you want a name that not you'll adore but something you hope she will love when they are older

So if you're expecting a baby this Autumn here is some inspiration to help you make that decision even harder. 

Amber - a stunning Arabic name meaning jewel that often refers to a warm honey shade. 

Iris - a warm fuzzy name that's not often heard that means rainbow that reminds us of the burst of colour that autumn brings to us. 

Apple - once made famous by Gwyneth Paltrow, this cute name reminds us of the apple harvesting season. 

Willow - a graceful name inspired by the ancient tree believed to possess magical powers.

Fira - a fabulous name of Nigerian origin that means success, however, in Greek it means maiden. Other forms of this fiery name include Fyra and Fyrah. 

Autumn - a hippy classic and an obvious choice for many parents, what's not to love about this timeless name?

Briar - a name climbing the charts in recent years due to its whimsical origin. It was the name given to Sleeping Beauty also known as Aurora. Briar is a thorny shrub. 

Forest - a name mostly used for boys making it an unusual choice but we adore it. 

Hazel - a popular choice with many that derives from the hazelnut tree and is perfect for any baby, be it a boy or girl with big bright brown eyes. 

Ivy - a name associated and a symbol of faithfulness but mostly known for the plant and how it winds it way beautifully over every pillar and wall it encounters. Similar to the warm safe bubble of the early days with a newborn  

Maple - a colourful and enchanting name for any fall baby to remind you of the day she dropped here on earth just like the leaves of autumn. 

Ruby -  a short but sweet name and a precious stone that encapsulates the vibrant colours of nature.

Berry - a sweet and sophisticated English name inspired by fall.

Rhea - a unique nature-inspired name with a peaceful meaning perfect for any autumn baby, it means a flowing stream.

Saffron - sometimes used as Saifi for short, it's a fitting name considering the time of year. 

Laurel - a unisex name taken from the laurel tree - an aromatic evergreen that blooms through the autumn months. 

Scarlett - another colour inspired name that simple mean scarlet or red.

Raven - a girls name of Latin origin meaning wise but can be often used to describe a dark-haired person after the common blackbird. 

September - one of the most popular autumn baby names by a mile and we can see why.

Orla - a name of Celtic origin meaning golden princess.
