As an expectant mother, you can pretty much get away with anything without the fear of being judged. 

As an expectant mother, you can pretty much get away with anything without the fear of being judged. So aside from the heartburn and sleepless nights, there are loads of bonuses.
Here is a list of just some of those things:
  • We get away with rubbing our bellies in public without looking like we’re hungry.
  • We can laugh so hard we can sometimes pee ourselves and nobody will bat an eyelid.
  • Waddling. We can walk like a duck if we want to. There’s a head in our pelvis. Do not laugh, I repeat. Do. Not. Laugh.
  • It’s a bump bonus being able to cut in line to use the toilet.
  • Mood swings and hormones. We can cry for no apparent reason. We even cry at cute baby commercials. And if I say it’s your fault, IT’S YOUR FAULT.
  • Other people’s food always looks nicer and we can eat it without being forked.
  • We can eat strange food combos. Never mind the weird cravings. And we can send our partner out at silly o clock to satisfy the want or need for the tasty treat.
  • We can eat as much as we want when we want. Sure we are eating for two aren’t we? AREN’T WE?
  • Some pregnant women express a desire to eat inedible things like coal and chalk. I was one of those women, I ate chalk on my last pregnancy. Not at all weird…
  • We can hog the whole bed and there is nothing they can do about it.
  • Any kind of compliment can be taken completely out of context. And if we go bat shit crazy IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT.
  • Sleep glorious sleep. We can take mid-morning, afternoon and/or evening naps.
  • We slack on our self-grooming. Well I did. In fact, the thoughts of washing my hair in the third trimester gave me nightmares never mind drying it.
  • It can take us anything up to 30 seconds to get out of a chair. Sure we are carrying all the extra weight. Although never mention that
Written by Kellie Kearney, guest writer with Family Friendly HQ