Avril Flynn, Motherboard podcast presenter, mum-of-one and midwife talks to parents about their kids going back to school.

When I hear the words “back to school” I almost come out in a rash. While my son Felix has only just turned 1 and our going to school days are a long way off, I know already what a stressful and difficult-to-negotiate time it can be for parents.

I remember when I was little how excited I used to feel at the end of August.  I just adored the entire process of getting new uniforms, covering books with special plastic, getting a lovely new pencil case and filling it with all manner of beautiful pencils and pens. 

However, for parents, it can be a far more uncomfortable time. 

Between trying to get back into a routine (both you and kids), sorting out earlier bedtimes, negotiating the politics of the school gate and making sure your little ones are adapting to their new class and environment- it can be a really tough, not to mention exhausting for all involved.

Luckily on this 'Back to School' episode of Motherboard, we have a brilliant panel to give you plenty of tips, tricks and hacks to enable you and your family to have a smooth transition from the fun of summer to the start to school in September. 

Joining me is regular Motherboard panelist and one of my all-round mothering heroines, Laura Doyle.  Laura runs the 'Love Life and Little Ones' Blog, writes for Family Friendly HQ and a number of other parenting publications and websites. 

Not content with fast becoming a parenting guru, her background in beauty therapy allows her to write for Beaut.ie and present their live events. To say she is busy is an understatement, but don’t let the fact that Laura is usually always smiling (and looks a decade younger than she is) fool you into underestimating her experience!

She is an incredibly competent, confident and brilliant working mum to four gorgeous kids. Laura’s two oldest children are in primary school, one is in Montessori and one little person is at home. She could write a book with all her insights into getting the back to school process right and shares plenty of her parenting brilliance on this episode.

Our second guest is Aoife Lee. Not only is she a parenting expert from a personal perspective (she has three kids under the age of ten) but she also runs the amazing website parentsupport.ie. If you haven’t checked it out, then make sure you do! 

Aoife is an accredited parent and life coach and has contributed as a parenting coach on innumerable segments on TV and radio.  She works with many corporate companies around Ireland, delivering parenting and wellness talks to their teams. 

She is also an expert provider for Irish Life Health's corporate customer wellness programme.  Aoife gives parents the tools they need to not only parent more successfully, but her non-judgmental attitude means she gives you the confidence to do your style of parenting, your way.  She is fascinating to listen to and offers some fantastic advice. Even the most seasoned of parents could learn something from Aoife. 

This episode was such fun to do and if you are anything like me, it will make you feel less stressed and ready to hit September running.  We want to help you and your family make this “back to school” transition your most positive and successful one yet.

You can find out more about Aoife and what she does , and how to contact her on her website www.parentsupport.ie

You can read find out more about Laura on her blog https://lovelifeandlittleones.com/ and see her Family Friendly HQ articles here.

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