As a parent you never expect that you will break your own child’s heart one day

As a parent you never expect that you will break your own child’s heart one day... You have spent all your life until this point protecting them, helping them, loving them, supporting them. When that time comes you know that things will never be the same again.
When you have to tell your child that her little brother has Special Needs and can no longer speak, it has a devastating impact on her life and yours. You realize at that very moment nothing will ever be the same again for you and your family. The aftermath and reality of that day will live on forever.
Amanda McGuinness, author of the Little Puddins Blog recounts the day she had no choice but to tell her oldest daughter Hailey that her youngest brother Jack (2) had been diagnosed with Autism SPD and no longer was able to speak just like his older brother Conor (5)
Read her story here
Read Amanda's inspirational account of her tale here