The New Year is a time to put aside the last year and get yourself pumped up for the next 12 months on the right foot.

The New Year is a time to put aside the last year and get yourself pumped up for the next 12 months on the right foot. Kids don’t usually think about resolutions, but it is a good idea to encourage them to be a good sport and think up a new way to be a better person. Here are a few ways you can help your child along the way…
  • Jot down ideas- Get your kids together and jot down a few ideas that you or they think they could do with starting afresh with. Perhaps, they could walk the dog more, clean their room or give up a bad habit. There are loads of things they could do or give up. It is a tough one, but resolutions are never easy.
  • Do it together- If you want your child to give up something or take on a new task they should feel that everyone else is taking part too. Maybe, you have a bad habit too? Or your partner could do with changing a few things. If everyone plays a role it will be better, and more people are likely to be succesful.  
  • Be a good role model- Once you start a new resolution you should be a good role model and don’t give up or stop your resolution because it is hard. Teach your child that a little dedication goes a long way, and this will steer them on the right path too.
  • Be realistic about their resolution- Avoid taking on new resolutions that will never be kept. Children are children after all and they need to be silly but if a resolution is too hard they will never keep it and therefore, there is no point.
  • Write them down- Make a list of the kids and pop a resolution next to their name. Pin it to the fridge or notice board to act as a reminder to their new resolutions. That way there can be no going back!
  • Guide them along the way- If their resolution is hard, help your kid and be happy to guide them along the way. If they chose to clean their room each week that is a good resolution, but it doesn’t mean your child will be able to manage that! They may have a bad week and need some help if they have had friends over who wrecked their room while playing!
  • Accept it still may never work- Resolutions are great but most people if not all will drop their resolution within a month. Realistically they are a way to get people motivated for a new year, but it doesn’t stick for most. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it with the kids though and you should.
  • Look to the future- As much as is said about the resolutions let’s not forget that it is a new year, and anything is possible. Instil a new attitude together and encourage the kids to want to do well for the months ahead.