Many of us find ourselves saying no to our kids a lot more than we want (or need) to. 

As mums, many of us find ourselves saying no to our kids a lot more than we want (or need) to.
Sometimes it just easier because the alternative answer requires action from you.
Other times it’s just an automatic reaction.
However, saying no constantly can lead to more fights, arguments, and a negative atmosphere in the home.
Of course, you can’t say yes to everything – kids can come up with pretty unreasonable requests – but it is important to make a conscious effort to say it a bit more.
And it doesn’t have to be a big thing. A few simples changes are all that is needed to get you saying yes a bit more.
Give Them One Free Yes Pass
Give your child one free yes pass a week for something big, within reason obviously. So, for example, if your child wants to go for a bike ride or watch a family movie, you automatically have to say yes. We do recommend you set boundaries for this so that your little one doesn’t push it. The pass gives you a chance to allocate time to their request and your little one will really think about what they want because they only have one pass. If you’re feeling generous, maybe up the yes pass to two or three times a week?
Say Yes But For Later
Just because you say yes doesn’t mean you automatically give permission for there and then. If they want to do some painting or maybe head to the park, instead of jumping for your no answer, say yes, but for later. This way the kids get the answer they want and you can fit it in around your schedule.
Get organised
Most of us say no because we’re under pressure and stressed and it’s just easier. Whether it’s housework, ferrying your kids from A to B or your job that is leaving your feeling frazzled, it is important you get organised. You’ll have more time and be more willing to say yes to your child’s request if your mind is free.
Think positively
Many of us say no because we automatically think of the consequences of saying yes: the mess, the lack of time or because you’re just not in the mood for baking, for instance. Start to think a little bit more positively when it comes to your kid’s questions. For example, yes, baking requires a lot of cleaning up, but think of the sweet memories and the tasty buns you’ll have at the end of it. Don’t automatically think of the negative consequences, otherwise you’ll never say yes.