Irish weddings are gas craic. Are you heading to a big fat Irish wedding this year? It's going to be a long night of celebrations, long hard belly laughs and hangovers. Here are 10 things you can be guaranteed to happen at an Irish wedding!

Irish weddings are gas craic. Are you heading to a big fat Irish wedding this year? It's going to be a long night of celebrations, long hard belly laughs and hangovers.
Here are 10 things you can be guaranteed to happen at an Irish wedding:
  • Starvin' Marvin'. You will be guaranteed half the congregation from the church will head to a local pub for a sneaky pint or food before arriving at the reception. Sure don't you be leppin' waiting for the meal?
  • Shots. Shots. Shots. Keep an eye on the bar. Jagerbombs will be in full flow as soon as the speeches are done. 
  • Dance floors equal dance-offs. No Irish wedding is complete with a dance off of some kind. The lads will have ties on their heads as they scrum up and jump around like clowns. Someone is bound to reenact the water scene from Dirty Dancing and let's not forget about the Macarena, Saturday Night and Maniac 2000. Is it even a wedding if they haven't been played?
  • Drunks everywhere? It's not an Irish wedding unless someone is in an absolute heap before midnight. You can bet your money on it that there will be arguments over who will be bringing Uncle Johnny or Aunty Mary to bed.
  • Where's the resident's bar? Come 1am you will hear the whispers of panic from relatives wondering if and where the resident's bar is and most importantly, what time it closes at.
  • There's always one kidwho wrecks everyone's head. You can be guaranteed there will be at least one hyperactive child running wild who will absolutely wreck everyone's head throughout the day but nobody will breathe a word, sure they're just excited, aren't they?
  • Who needs a babysitter? Talking about kids there will be a train of buggies in the corner of the room. Kids will be covered in suit jackets and the party will continue into the wee hours.
  • Was there a beach party theme? Come midnight you'll see a swarm of flip-flops stampeding across the dance floor. Everyone's feet will be killing them after a long day wobbling around in 5 inch Penney's heels.
  • Someone is bound to lose an eye. There will be a competition to see who has the biggest fascinator or headpiece. Who will it be? Will it be the mother of the bride or mother of the groom? Either way, duck or stay well clear, those things are dangerous.
  • The morning after the night before. There will be grunts instead of hello's, heads will be down and there will be no eye contact at the breakfast bar. Everyone will be dying.

Written by Kellie Kearney staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at