Did you ever consider how much easier it is to parent at this time of year? 

The summer is nearly here and there are so many things to love about it! But did you ever consider how much easier it is to parent at this time of year?
Here are some reasons why there are so many things to love about parenting in the summer:
Schools out – Yes, we know sometimes having the kiddies in school is easier but admit it, not having the usual routine is cool. There are no mad panics in the morning trying to get the kids out of school and ensuring they are washed and fit for a school day. In the summer, you can leave them be and there is no homework which is horrible and no notes, no ironing uniforms and no school runs!
Less clothes means less washing – This is true as in the summer the kids are wearing less clothes than usual and if we get a summer like the infamous 2018 one than they will be living in t-shirts and shorts. This means less washing, and, in the winter, kids must be wrapped up with hats, scarves, jumpers and cosy socks which means more time at the washing machine and less time doing what you do best; relaxing!
Fun times – There are moments of pure joy as you get to relax with the kiddies and not be as panicked as usual. There is nothing better than not having everything planned out as it is during the school year. Yes, you might still be working and yes, it is hard getting childcare, but you may find yourself more relaxed. There is no running around and no usual panicking about school notes/projects or trips. It is simpler.
Visiting family – There is nothing better than having the time to spend with your extended family and letting your kids get to know them better. During the school year, it is hard to find the time with the kid’s activities and classes so now is the time to have fun and go on the trip with your family. Have fun and let your kiddies stay with family too which may give you some time alone too! That’s a really good idea and book yourself into a sauna or have a nice date night.
Tired kids – All the air during the day and running around in the warmer weather will tire out the kids so you won’t have too long of them saying they are bored. Even if the weather is crap you should still send them outside and get them moving. A little rain never did us any harm anyway.
Food and fun outside – Summer is the one time when you can eat plenty of ice cream and not feel guilty. Ice pops are another good choice and let’s not forget the goodness of salads either. It is a good time to eat plenty of greens outside with a BBQ and balance the naughty food with the good. Eating outside is great and if the weather is good it is a nice way to spend time with family. You can play together in the garden, chase the kids, play beach ball or badminton. There are lots of things to do.
Emma Hayes is a thirty-something mum of two girls aged 16 and 10, planting her right into the teenage and tween-age years! Follow her on Twitter at @EmmaHayes25.