Here are some of the things parents never seem to get through- it is true that a parent’s work is never finished.

Do you constantly feel like you are struggling to get everything done?
Like a lot of parents I feel that there never seems to be enough hours in the day to get everything completed. No matter how I plan and organise- things will get forgotten and put on the to do list. Are we all the same and just battling on?
Here are some of the things parents never seem to get done- it is true that a parent’s work is never finished.
  • Laundry- the piles of washing never end and especially when the kiddies are older and doing a number of activities it's impossible. You will find you will at least do a washing load a day and if you take one days rest, it will literally leave the kids asking “where are my football socks”?
  • Washing dishes- now we have dishwashers it certainly is a lot easier, however they still need to be loaded and sorted after washing. Pity they don’t find their own way into the cupboards- now that I’d love!
  • Sparkling bathroom- no matter how much you try to keep it in order, it will be upside down once one of the kids has a wash. They'll throw toys around, splash water and drown the floor and you- if you are in the way! The bathroom mats will be dragged across the floor and toothpaste will be streaked along the sink, it really is an endless job.
  • De-clutter the house- Of course you will have your regular de-clutters and send toys or clothes off to charities, but still there will always be more stuff you don’t really need. Kids grow like lightning so clothes will amount fast and toys they love today will be forgotten next week, it doesn’t matter how big or small your home is, it will be bulging with your kids gear!
  • Develop all the photos on your phone- with phones and cameras with memory cards we are all guilty of not getting them printed off. There will be hundreds and though you swear you will get it done next week. Guess what? It never gets done. As for framing all the precious photos that will take another couple of months just to buy the frames!
  • Tidy bedrooms and change all the bed linen- Unless you get a "grand dry day" there is little hope to get all the linen changed in your youngsters rooms in one swoop. Anyway the kids don’t care anyway, sure it can be like a bomb went off in their bedrooms.
  • Spend one-on-one quality time with each child- Of course you want to make sure all the kids feel cherished and get attention on their own but sometimes it can be hard fitting it in. With all the chores around the house to do, school, work, activities and playdates there just isn’t enough time and this can cause parents to feel guilty. Kiddies come first so if it means leaving the clothes dirty in the laundry basket do it, and go back to the dishes after the kids are in bed. But that's easier said than done too!
  • Go on date nights and breaks away as a couple- Such is the chaos that is parenthood and barely getting all the things done mentioned above,date nights will be the last thing parents will think about. However putting aside a day every few weeks just for you and your partner is vital so be sure to get this on the top of the to do list!
See we parents are all in the same boat struggling to get everything done and keep it all together, so don’t be so hard on yourselves and just do your best x