As two mothers to all boys (5 in total) we have found that there are some similarities between our young men.

As two mothers to all boys (5 in total) we have found that there are some similarities between our young men.
Here are some of them; 
  • Boys love being physical...But this is pure fun..even if 99% of the time ends in tears. 
  • They are constantly eating. We have to be prepared and have food on hand all the time.
  • They make LOTS of noise. We have had to learn to tune out!
  • They love to climb. 
  • They give great hugs. We love this.
  • They are very sensitive.
  • Anything that relates to farts is hilarious. And the LOUDER the better.
  • In fact anything that relates to potty humour is hilarious!
  • They never remember to flush the toilet or wash their hands (Despite constant reminders)
  • They love running around the house naked.
  • They love their Mammies (and their Daddy’s of course, but have a soft spot for their Mammies)
  • Anything you do can be competitive, how quickly you can eat dinner, get dressed, get to the car window seat first… the list is endless