If date nights are a rarity for you since you became a parent you are in good company.

If date nights are a rarity for you since you became a parent you are in good company. It can be difficult to make it happen for so many different reasons.
Finances can be an issue as well as logistic factors such as location and work schedules. Finding a babysitter you can trust is also a huge task and a luxury for many people.
When you do finally reach a point where a date night is possible you will want to do everything in your power to make sure that it is a roaring success.
People might think that as parents you are easily pleased when it comes to a date night. Surely any experience focused on just you two is a huge treat and therefore a great success?
This is absolutely not the case. While getting out and about and enjoying a date night together is a huge treat it won’t always work out the way you want it to.
As it happens, these have ended up being some pretty awful date nights for parents and we can totally see why.

1. At Your Favourite Restaurant

So this is a bit of a funny one but actually, we totally get it. Heading to your favourite restaurant for a date night seemed like a great idea at the time but now you might be feeling a little differently. Think of it like this – you don’t really go anywhere without the kids these days so your favourite restaurant is probably somewhere you frequent with them. That makes it a family-friendly establishment. Little did you know that you actually have no interest in being around other families and children when you are finally out as just a duo. No judgement here!

2. The Cinema

There are pros and cons to this one. In theory, this is a picture perfect date night because you get to eat junk food in a dark room without having to speak very many words. As a parent, you do a lot of talking and it’s nice to just sit back and relax. The reality is quite different though. All the food is eaten before the trailer is finished and you both fall asleep a third of the way in to the movie. As it turns out the cinema is not a great place for sleep-deprived parents (or the perfect place for a quick feed and a nap? Go figure).
3. Anywhere Serving Alcohol
You just couldn’t help yourself and we totally don’t blame you. You got excited, let your hair down and forgot that you weren’t a college student. The drink deals got the better of you and food just wasn’t a priority because you were “out out” and nobody even knew you were parents. You even hashtagged one of your photos #yolo. The problem with alcohol, you see, is the small matter of the next day. As you were taking boomerang videos on Instagram and telling the barman to “surprise” you, you just couldn’t really relate to the fact that you were still a parent. It’s OK – we’ve all been there. The next day was a rude awakening and a form of cruel torture as you attempted to get through the day and be a parent once again. NEVER again.

Tracey is a happy mammy to four-year-old Billy. She is a breastfeeder, gentle parent and has recently lost five stone so healthy family eating is her passion! You can find her at www.loveofliving.ie.