It can take a lot of effort to keep the romance alive in your relationship, particularly after you have kids and time alone is sacred

It can take a lot of effort to keep the romance alive in your relationship particularly after you have kids and time alone is sacred! It affects every parent not just parents of newborn babies and toddlers but also teenagers as they stay awake later and it can be increasingly difficult to get some alone time.

With these tips you can ensure that your relationship is as well cared for and not put on the long finger, which can happen after the little ones arrive.

Compliment each other and see the positives of your life together.

How to keep romance alive in your relationship after you have kids.

  1. Couple Time

    Schedule time together if you are both very busy, and plan for a monthly date night. You can both take turns in choosing a restaurant or an event, and arrange a babysitter to give you much needed time together. It is marvellous to sit down and talk (uninterrupted) to each other reminding yourselves you are individuals (who fell in love) and not just parents.

  2. Flirt

    Flirt with each other, and send each other loving messages during the day just a random “I love you” will make you smile. Leave little post it love notes in your partner’s pockets or in their car, it really is the little gestures that count the most!

  3. Romance and Surprise

    Surprise your partner with a fancy dinner at home after the kids are in bed and settled. Take out the fine china, light a few candles and crack open a bottle of wine. Once you have some romantic tunes on you will feel totally relaxed and unwind after a long week! During these nights you should ban the phones and put them aside, pay total attention to each other just for those few hours.

  4. It doesn't have to cost a Fortune

    You do not have to spend a lot of money to be romantic, playing a board game together or watching a film eating popcorn is perfect. Sitting watching the music channel reminiscing over old songs and memories can be so enjoyable and if feeling brave dance with each other like you did at your wedding.

  5. Kisses

    While you are so busy getting children organised for school and rushing to work it is easy to forget to kiss goodbye your partner. Take the time to kiss them hello and goodbye (not just a little peck either) and pinch their bum, they will love it!

  6. PDA (Public Displays of Affection)

    If you are out and about in company hold hands or cuddle next to each other, a simple tap on the knee or a gentle squeeze reminds you that they are there. 

Compliment each other and see the positives of your life together, if you are having a disagreement try resolve it straight away. Don’t dwell on it and let an argument linger in the air, this is no good for you or for the children. Work together as a team and you will feel indestructible and the happier you are as a couple reflects how happy you are as a family.  

Remember romance isn’t just for one day a year, it is needed daily to keep the romance alive in your relationship forever.