For a variety of different reasons, breastfeeding may feel like an obstacle between you and a date night with your partner. Claiming a couple of hours for you and your significant other is nothing to feel ashamed about. Every couple is different and sometimes we just need a breather. 

For a variety of different reasons, breastfeeding may feel like an obstacle between you and a date night with your partner. Claiming a couple of hours for you and your significant other is nothing to feel ashamed about. Every couple is different and sometimes we just need a breather.
There are many mums who do not feel this way at all. It may be a long time before they feel ready to even think about a date night and that is completely normal too. 
As a breastfeeding mother you eat, sleep and breathe your wonderful baby every minute of every day. There is nothing as sweet as those snuggles and feeding sounds coming from your child but you may just be craving a bit of one on one time with your other half. This can feel daunting when you are the sole source of nutrition for your baby. 
It is possible though. You can enjoy a date night with your beloved and continue to breastfeed your baby. 
  • Have you thought about inviting your partner to a baby cinema? Or perhaps you’ve never even been yourself. Baby cinema is an event held weekly at a number of different cinemas. It gives you the opportunity to go see new and old movies at the cinema with your baby. They are usually morning showings which may require a morning off work for your partner but wouldn’t it be worth it if it means you get to share a movie and some treats in an actual cinema? Chances are your baby will be feeding or sleeping and you can kick back and enjoy a new experience together outside of the home. Sometimes that is enough!
  • You can think about pumping. It may not be something that you have done before but if you start slowly you could be on your way to a date night for a couple of week’s time. It is recommended that you wait at least six weeks before you start pumping so that it does no interfere with your milk supply or confuse your baby. There are so many different styles on the market. An inexpensive hand pump could be an option for sporadic pumping or you can pick up an electric double pump if you plan on pumping a lot. Building a stash of breast milk for the freezer is reassuring. Breast milk is usually OK when stored in the freezer for up to six months. Just factor in some time and strategies for introducing your baby to a bottle as many breastfed babies require a considerable amount of convincing. You’ll want them to happily drink breast milk from the bottle on these occasions but continue to breastfeed as normal. It can be a tricky process but many people manage it successfully.
  • Make sure that the person minding your baby is someone you feel 100% comfortable with as you will want to feel emotionally secure if you are separating from the baby even just for an hour or two. You may decide to nip out for a quick bite to eat locally in between feeds but you’ll want to know that the person minding the baby will contact you if they feel the baby is looking for a feed. It is also important that the person minding your baby respects your parenting style and choices such as not letting the baby cry to sleep. All of these things will give you the confidence needed to enjoy the precious bit of time you are sharing with your partner. 
Written by Tracey Quinn staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at