I’d like to think that I get from A to B as a parent most days. We make it from one end of the day to the next and everyone seems relatively happy about how we do things. But do you ever just hear something that blows your mind? 

I’d like to think that I get from A to B as a parent most days. We make it from one end of the day to the next and everyone seems relatively happy about how we do things. But do you ever just hear something that blows your mind? Something that makes you question everything in this world. 
Here are 8 parenting hacks that I wish I had known years ago.
  • Baby vests. There is a couple of memes floating around but this was news to me. The wide neck is purposely designed so that we can take them off down our babies body with ease rather than over their heads when they have had an accident. Like, what is life?
  • Spending a fortune on baby bath seats and attachments. When they are old enough to sit up just use a plastic rectangular laundry basket. It has holes so will fill with water but will keep your babies toys right in front of them. I know...
  • You know those stressful trips to buy your children’s shoes? Simply draw a trace of their feet using a pencil and a clean piece of paper. That will give you the size information you need. This one kind of changed everything for me.
  • Baby Bibs. They are everywhere, right? But never close when you need them. A simple stick-on hook at the back of your child’s high chair will hold 3-5 bibs so they are ready and waiting when you need them at meal times. Genius.
  • To help your kid know which shoe to put on which foot simply cut up a sticker of their favourite character and place one half in each shoe. When they look at the shoes they’ll match them together to make the picture make sense. And Alas, left and right has been mastered.
  • Stuck for an afternoon activity? Keep your toddler entertained by letting them paint the fence with water. All you need is a bucket of water and a large paintbrush. This one really works!
  • Keep empty pizza boxes from your weekend takeaway. They work perfectly as a canvas for painting. Open them up and keep paints in one side and the other side is for their masterpiece. Hours of fun.
  • To prevent your things from being stolen on the beach, wrap valuables in a clean nappy.
Written by Tracey Quinn staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at www.loveofliving.ie.