It won’t matter later who told you, how they told you or how long you suspected; if at all. 

You never forget the day you are first told your child has special needs.
It won’t matter later who told you, how they told you or how long you suspected; if at all. What will play on your mind is that moment when you are told, because at that very moment you realise everything has changed irrevocably in an instant.
I remember not being able to look up when the Consultant spoke to me about Conor, the floor felt as though it was pulling me down, her words just melted away from her mouth on to the ground. All I could do was stare at them on the floor as I just couldn’t look up from where I sat.
I could not have imagined 4 years ago when Conor was diagnosed with Autism, SPD and related conditions that I would be back here again; having another first day being told my youngest little boy Jack (almost 2) was Autistic and like his lovely older brother Conor was unable to speak, had SPD and related conditions.
The Consultant will tell you all the problems your child has and will have, they inform you but can’t support you. Once you leave their office with that devastating information to carry home to your loved ones; you are alone.
Having recently received that devastating news about my youngest little boy Jack I decided I wanted to help other parents starting out by setting up; The Little Puddins Blog. As in a strange way I feel lucky this time, in that we have been here before and at least I do know to some extent how to help my little boy.
Jack is the youngest of my 3 lovely children, Conor is 5 and has an older sister Hailey (7). Before I had my gorgeous little ones I spent many years studying the Law and later began my training to become a Solicitor. Once Conor was born I had to completely give up my career together with my love of the Law as my little man needs round the clock care due to his various conditions. I had planned that someday I would go back to work in the legal field but now having recently found out about my lovely Jack, I know that dream is over.
I spend my days now researching therapies, learning how to help my little boys, bringing them to their appointments, creating visuals so they can communicate, carrying out Physio, Occupational and Speech Therapy and trying to give Hailey her special time as well. It can be so exhausting trying to be there for each little person, making sure their needs are met and that each one knows I love them with every piece of my heart.
Hailey struggles with it all and the news that her little brother Jack is unable to speak and has the same conditions as his older brother has been particularly crushing for her. I am trying every day to ensure she feels loved and knows she is my priority too as I know it can seem to her sometimes the boys take precedent because of their Special Needs.
By setting up The Little Puddins Blog I hope to help other families just like mine who are struggling with the reality of raising children with special needs and how it impacts the entire family. Through The Little Puddins Blog I share stories, information, links and resources. I am creating various Tutorials and How-To posts explaining to new Special Needs Parents how to carry out tasks I had no clue about when I started out over four years ago and had no one to ask for help.
I always try to be as positive as I can and look to the future always. Hailey, Conor and Jack are my world and from the day each of them were born they changed me for the better.
I hope someday they will look back on what I have done and what I am trying to do for them and other special needs families and be proud of their mammy and know she loves them with all her heart x
Thanks so much to Amanda for writing this for
Check out her blog- The Little Puddins Blog at www.littlepuddins.ieand like her on Facebook