If you have older family members then you are blessed as they are great fun to be around.

Sadly, for some families, older family members have passed on and therefore, parents and families are missing out on some of the older generation’s insights.

If you don’t have older family members, you can still spend time with older generations by joining up to groups and taking part in community events.

Here are a few reasons why older generations are just the best:

They have the best stories

Older people have lived longer and therefore, they have some funny tales to tell. For younger demographics, their stories can be a breath of fresh air as we know about technology and new things but little about the past.

How older people got to school, their education and family life or even their hobbies are all so different from our own daily lives.

They love to have the ‘craic’

Honestly, you’d have to be living under a rock to have not noticed how much fun the older generations are. Have you seen them at weddings? They are usually the last ones to go to bed and love nothing more than dancing the night away.

They put younger people to shame and they don’t take themselves too seriously. They can also dance properly – not like us! They don’t care who they dance with either, if they can offer a partnership for the music, then they are perfect! 

Older people have lived longer and therefore, they have some funny tales to tell.

They know a lot

There have been so many changes in the past twenty years, never mind the last 50 years, so imagine how much information the older generation store.

They know lots and if you can ask them about it, they’ll love nothing more than to tell you about the changes they have seen. They’ll also say ‘in my day’ a lot but that’s part of their charm, after all!

They are loyal

Older generations usually stayed with the company they worked with for years (if not their whole lifetime). In those days, it was part and parcel of life and being loyal was a person’s biggest asset in business.

That’s why many older people will wear the same brand of perfume or aftershave as well as buy their jumpers from the same shop they have done for years. Their generation was built on loyalty and they are proud of it too. 

They have great social skills

Before the time of phones and tech to distract us, older generations spent their days chatting to friends and family.

Therefore, we see so many older people being lonely as they aren’t used to not seeing people or having the chats. Older people know how to be social and they love chatting and finding out about other people’s lives. 

Friendship and neighbours

Older generations know a lot more about looking after one another than younger demographics and they can offer advice on building relationships, community care and neighbourliness.

They were raised at a time when everyone looked after one another and everyone helped each other raise their families. It was a community effort and it was lovely.