It's almost Father's Day and we are having a little bit of fun about the mishaps that can often happen.

It's almost Father's Day and for a whole day, the men in our life will be praised for how awesome they all are! In fact, we will be leading up to it for weeks. Now is the time for a little giggle though. 

This video made us laugh out loud. VERY loud. 
BUT just to balance the scales, we're covering the other side of the coin from these clever producers with their Housewife Fails video.
This is all just for fun and we are here for it. 
Housewife Fails
One half of the couple who make these viral videos (Esther) admits she's a terrible housewife and is not scared to admit it. She says she'd "also pretty sure I'm not the only one..." . What about you? Are you guilty of any of these?
All of their videos were written, filmed, produced, and edited by Esther and Thad. Excellent acting skills by Ellia. ©StoryofThisLife 
We love Esther's honestly that she writes her Facebook page in the About Us section of Story of This Life:
So how am I supposed to sum up my whole life in this little box? Not a clue... guess I'll start with this.
I lived in the jungle as a kid and it.was.awesome. I still dream about jumping off waterfalls and sliding down mudslides.

I have an amazing husband that you should all be jealous of and a baby that had an incredible amount of spunk for being such a little human.

My husband Thad works as a Construction Manager and in 6 years of marriage we've moved 18 times. Or something... I really couldn't tell you. I literally keep track by my multitude of addresses on my amazon account.

I don't have one ounce of "housewifeness" in me, but that's what I am so I pretend I'm good at it and continue to burn all my Esther Crocker brownies. 

What are your favourite husband fails?