Being a good parent first thing in the morning when you are utterly exhausted isn’t the easiest of things to do but it must be done!

Being a good parent first thing in the morning when you are utterly exhausted isn’t the easiest of things to do but it must be done!
No matter how much you want to stay in bed and ignore life’s tests you must get up and face the kids and be the best mammy you can for the day ahead. Here are a few tips on “mammying” in the morning and hopefully it will get you through the difficult days!
  • Be organised from the night before- Getting as much do as you can the night before does benefit you the next morning. Of course, it may not be easy making school lunches, preparing breakfast and getting clothes ready to put on the night before but give it a bash and see if it works for you!
  • Go to bed as early as you can- With kids naturally this is difficult and you may like to have some time to yourself before bed but if this is eating into your sleeping time you must nip it in the bud.
  • Set up a strict routine- Have rules when it comes to the morning and be quite strict about it from the get go! Tell the children every Sunday about the week ahead and if you are having a busy one remind them that there will be no time for messing.
  • Get up before your kiddies- This may be the worst tip but it works best if your children sleep till at least seven and not 5am!
  • Leave extra time for disasters- Get the kids up and have a certain amount of time planned to get through the morning but also leave time for when disaster strikes! Like when the kiddie decides that their tights are too tight and refuses to wear anything at all!
  • Take care of you first and have a coffee- Put on the kettle and have the cup of tea or coffee that you need. If you can have a snack to get you set up for the day ahead.
  • Make a game out of it- Making it fun is key here so run around the house in a good way to involve the kids and let them think that the fastest person will finish first. It may not work every morning, but who knows?!
  • Let everyone help and delegate easier tasks- If the lunches need to be packed, let the kids do it! Let them feed the animals and bring in their dishes after breakfast. You don’t have to do everything for your youngsters and they should be able to do simple things themselves.
  • Avoid conflict- Your kids may be behaving like monsters but now is not the time to have a major argument so bite your tongue and let the moment pass. Deal with extreme misbehaviour as calmly as possible and be sure to follow up on your child later in the day.
  • Be in control- It may be difficult but try to manage everything as well as you can and have a sense of control. Everyone’s kids are naughty and there will be mornings that are harder than others but believe that you can do it!
Written by Emma Hayes, staff writer with Family Friendly HQ