It is a difficult decision and one that no parent wants to consider but wise to do it for you and your families benefit.

When you have kidsresponsibility and accountability falls to you and you will want the very best for your children now and in the future. Naturally you’d hope you would be there to raise your kids but in life nothing is ever certain and you should have a plan in order in the case that you and your partner die before the kids are adults.
Here are a few tips on deciding upon a guardian for your kids,It is a difficult decision and one that no parent wants to consider but wise to do it for you and your families benefit.
  • Define your dream parent-Is your dream parent fun, friendly or strict? We all have different ideas on parenting and you must consider all these things before you take steps to finalise a guardian for your kids. If you are religious, you might want to pick a likeminded person instead of a brother or sister who have no religious beliefs.
  • Make it a joint decision-This is probably one of the biggest decisions you will ever make so it is only right that you and your partner decide together. Considering both your candidates (however different) you must reach a solution that you both will be happy with.
  • Consider friends and family- Family may be your first choice but sometimes friends can be just as special if not more than family members. Blood may be a factor but choosing people you adore and who your kiddies adore is a good place to start.
  • Consider location and the relationship the person has with your kids-There is no point in picking family members who live miles away and only see your children on occasion as imagine the worst happening and your kids been forced to live in a different place with virtual strangers. The person or people you choose should be local enough and be there now and forever in your kiddie’s lives.
  • Have a backup plan- Everyone needs a backup and though your choice is full proof there is always a chance things will change so have a backup and be sure to tell the backup people so they agree and are happy to be those people.
  • Talk to your kids if they are older-If your kids are teenagers or older they may like to have some say in who they would be given to if the worst would happen.
  • Ask permission- It goes without saying that you should always ask the potential guardians permission before going forward on finalising things. They may have questions like are you covered by life assurance so the financial implications of taking on extra kids will be covered. Will your own home be taken care of and what happens in the future for the kids? All these things need to be discussed.
  • Accept there may be changes- You may have picked someone and had them in the position for years but things may change and be open to seeing your solicitor regularly and updating on any changes. Never wait, it is paramount that your wishes are always legally binding.
  • Ensure it is legal- Don’t ask the person and leave going to a solicitor, go together and sort it all out properly. Leave nothing to chance.

It may never happen (and let's hope it never does) but ensuring your kids are taken care of (just in case) is one of the best things you can do for your children. x