Back pain, for any adult or child, can be a sign of an underlying issue or condition.

Back pain, for any adult or child, can be a sign of an underlying issue or condition. If you are in any way concerned you should always consult your GP to have it further investigated. As women, it just so happens that back pain tends to ripple through our reproductive lives and it can be quite uncomfortable for many of us. But why does it happen?
For many women back pain is a symptom of menstruation. It can be a sporadic pain that comes and goes throughout their cycle or more of an ache when they are actually menstruating. For many women back pain is a very normal monthly occurrence and can make their monthly period very painful.
When back pain is a symptom of your monthly period it tends to be muscular. Many women experience pains similar to contractions which they refer to as menstrual cramps. These cramps can lead to the pain travelling to and affecting the lower back and abdomen area. The level of pain experienced can really vary from woman to woman. Some women experience no back pain whereas others will experience anything from a mild ache to a debilitating pain that stops them in their tracks for several days of the month. If back pain is a typical menstrual symptom for a woman it can often be the first tell-tale sign that her period is on the way.
If a woman has an underlying issue such as endometriosis or an ovarian cyst she may experience lower back pain more regularly than her actual menstrual period. It may heighten at other times of the month such as before, during or after ovulation for example. For this reason, it is always important to raise the issue with your GP if you are concerned as it may be connected to another condition or issue.
There are a couple of things a woman can do to help relieve lower back pain during menstruation. Over the counter painkilling medication tends to be the most popular way of controlling the issue. Heat is also extremely effective. A heat pack or a hot water bottle can really ease discomfort in that area. The same can be said for a warm bath or shower. This is a great way to distract oneself from the discomfort as well as benefiting from the healing nature of water. Regular exercise can also greatly improve lower back-pain although the catch-22 is that the pain itself can often prove to be an obstacle for women when it comes to any kind of exercise.
Back pain during and after pregnancy is also extremely common. The hormone relaxin causes ligaments in the pelvic area to become a lot looser. This helps the joints to relax and prepare for childbirth. As the ligaments loosen up it can cause back pain because these ligaments typically support the back and spine. As a woman’s pregnancy develops she will also gain weight. This can be a contributing factor to back pain as the body is under more pressure as it carries more weight and in a different proportion than normal.
Pregnant women should avoid any heavy lifting during pregnancy and a priority should be placed on rest. After all, her body is hard at work creating and sustaining a new life. It’s no wonder her body is feeling all kinds of new aches and pains. Wearing a good quality flat shoe and investing in a good supportive mattress can really make a difference.
If your back pain becomes unbearable before or after you have given birth it is important to speak to your GP or care team. They may refer you to a physiotherapist who will be able to suggest appropriate exercises that should help to relieve the discomfort. If the pain becomes considerably worse during the third trimester it could be a sign of early labour and, for this reason, it is always worth mentioning at your check-ups.