We are often surprised but the sudden onset of a breakout. Is it hormone-related? Have I been taking my make-up off properly? Did I miss my five-a-day?

We are often surprised but the sudden onset of a breakout. Is it hormone-related? Have I been taking my make-up off properly? Did I miss my five-a-day?

The ancient art of face mapping can help you identify the cause of your blemishes by splitting the face into several sections such as forehead, chin and nose and understanding the different 'zones'.

Each area reflects a different part of your internal health, so what exactly do pimples on certain areas mean?
1. Where are you breaking out?
Look carefully at where you’re breaking out. The theory of “face mapping” suggests the location of your acne could present clues about what’s causing it.
2. Forehead
A break out here is usually linked to the digestive system and may indicate that you’re having a hard time breaking down certain foods. It may also indicate liver problems, stress, or an irregular sleep schedule.
Try using some herbs for Gut Health or digestive enzymes like bromelain and papaya before each meal to help break down foods, and make sure you’re getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night.
If you suspect liver issues, try some dandelion tea or some extra garlic and onions. Drinking hot water with lemon in the morning may also help.

3. Between your brows
Greasy, fatty foods may be connected to acne here. Stick with healthy choices as much as you can! Another possible cause—too much alcohol. If you find pimples here after a night out where you consumed a few drinks, that may be your issue.
4. Cheeks
If you have been out a lot and around fumes from cars this could be the cause! But, the air in our homes can be just as bad, or worse! Consider adding plants that clean the air to your home. Allergies that affect the respiratory system may also be to blame, or if you pressed your phone against your skin while talking, germs may have been transferred to your face. Always wash skin thoroughly before bed to try to get rid of trace contaminants. Sometimes, acne here can be a symptom of too much sugar in your diet—cut back for a few days and see if that helps.
5. Chin
Did these show up around that time of the month? Chin pimples often come around because of changes in your hormones. In the days before your period, try to pay extra attention to your skin care. Consider eating foods that help regulate our natural hormonal cycles. Also be sure you’re not resting your chin in your hands when bored or tired, as this can transfer oils from your fingers onto your chin, which can cause pimples.
6. Which kind of break-out are you?
Look more closely at your breakouts. Do you have just one or two inflamed pimples or a cluster of blackheads? This information can give you more clues as to what may be going on-
7. Blackheads and Clogged pores
These are tiny black spots that like to dot your skin like pencil pricks. Your skin may be dry in the area of the breakout. This may indicate a congested liver, in which case you may want to try a short detox-diet to flush out your system. Drink extra water, and try eating liver cleansing foods.
8. Cystic acne
These pimples like to sit underneath the surface of skin, forming swollen bumps. They can take weeks to heal. Oily or dry skin—doesn’t matter. All skin types can suffer this type of acne. It may be connected to hormonal issues, including PMS, menopause, pre-menopause, childbirth, and breastfeeding. It may also be related to digestive issues. Consider getting more probiotics in your diet (from things like yogurt and kefir).
9. Frequent acne
This usually comes with whiteheads and blackheads, though they are usually small. The key here is “frequent”—this type of breakout comes around a lot. If this is your acne, look at your products, as it’s likely to be related to some ingredients that your skin doesn’t like.
10. Occasional
This is the acne that shows up out of the blue. You thought your skin was fine, and then, the pimples show up. Most likely, this type of acne is related to stress. Have things been difficult in your life lately? Have you been worried about something? You may need to take some time out.
Laura Doyle, Mum of 4. Kyle 9, Noa Belle 4, Briar 2 and Milla 12 months. Breastfeeder, co-sleeper, coffee drinker. Staying positive and inspired by the chaos of it all. Writer and blogger at www.lovelifeandlittleones.com.

