It can be a real struggle to get them to overcome their fear

Most kids are fearful of something and it can be a real struggle to get them to overcome their fear.
The reality is kids have to go to the doctor at times, for immunisations, for check-ups and when they are ill, which can make for difficult times if your kiddie is terrified of the Doctor. Here we have gathered up a few tips and ways to help your child overcome their fear of doctors, though they may never fully get over it these tips might just make visits to the doctor easier.
  • Prepare them for the visit to the doctor- In most case the appointment is planned and if it is the case that your child is ill tell them they will have to go as they are ill. Don’t tell them too ahead of the time as they will worry loads about it but give them enough time to take it on board and talk to you about their worries.
  • Tell them about the visit and explain why a doctor is important to people- If they are getting a jab they will need to know why and what is the reason for it stinging, if they are ill they must be told a Doctor is there to help them and stop them feeling so sick.
  • Don’t arrive too early for the appointment- Sitting in the waiting room too long will only add to a child’s anxiety and just arrive on time to avoid waiting too long. Have a few toys to keep your little one occupied and keep them chatting so that they don’t over think the appointment too much.
  • Explain things to your doctor about your child’s fear- Be honest with your doctor and once you have entered the room tell him your little one is very nervous but tell your child again they have little to worry about. Let the doctor chat to your child but don’t feel bad if they don’t reply and shut the doctor out, time will make these appointments easier.
  • Don’t lie and be honest about their examination or immunisations that may well hurt- If they are getting a jab prepare them for a little sting and tell them afterwards they will be fine and will get a treat after. In normal appointments that might require a chest or ear examination allow your kid to look at the stethoscope and other bits the doctor uses. 
  • Comfort them and stay by their side holding their hand the whole time- Just being there is a major comfort to your child and holding your hand is a reminder that you aren’t going anywhere. Rub their knee while smiling to keep them calm and collected till after the visit.
  • Be calm and don’t force your child to talk to the doctor- Don’t tell your child off for not answering the doctor or being unmannerly as it won’t help matters. The doctor will understand your child is scared and won’t chat away straight away but in the future who knows? Try to always arrange that your nipper sees the same doctor as much as possible this will make the process familiar for your little one.
  • Once it is all over praise your child and their bravery- With each visit it should get easier and your kiddie will become more confident going to the doctor. No one ever really likes going to the doctor anyway but with these little tips it can be made easier.
Best of luck x
Written by Emma, Irish mummy blogger and staff writer at 
Check out her own blog at