I'll be quite honest, I'm not a fan of the new year, new you malarky. I strongly believe if you want to change something to just do it.

Don't wait around for New Years to re-evaluate where you are in life - if you have goals, start putting plans in place.

The most common resolutions to date include exercising more, losing weight, quitting smoking and so on but after the glow of the new year wears off, many people fall off the bandwagon and quit the goals they have challenged themselves with after only a couple of weeks and in some cases days. 

Why is that?

The answer is a lot simpler than you may think. Many people choose New Year resolutions that are too generic such as losing weight instead of defining their goals by saying they want to lose a certain amount of pounds or by saying they want to run more rather than saying they want to complete a 5K marathon.

So when you are considering making goals in the coming days, look attentively at making them smaller and more manageable to help you stay focused and motivated.

In fact, think about SMART goals, goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Trackable. 

When you are considering making goals in the coming days, look attentively at making them smaller and more manageable to help you stay focused and motivated.


Your resolution or goal should be absolutely clear from day one. Your plan should include what you want to accomplish, why you want to achieve it, where you will do it and what costs may be associated with it if there are any.

The more specific you are, the more powerful your plan will be. For example, instead of saying "I want to start walking more" consider, "I want to walk 10,000 steps a day."


A measurable goal will allow you to track daily progress so you can look back and see what you have achieved. Use smaller, mini-goals to measure your progress. 


Make sure your goal is in reach. Setting goals too far out of reach will discourage you and may leave you feeling overwhelmed. Make a list of the specific tasks you will need to complete. 


Why is your goal important to you? Is it achievable? Have you allowed enough time? If it is a goal that really matters to you be realistic and give yourself enough time to complete it with numerous intermediate goals set along the way. 


Create a simple and easy to follow a timeline with the aim of reaching your goal. Having a timeframe or guide will help you work towards successful completion.