For many people parenting goes hand in hand with a sense of anxiety.

For many people parenting goes hand in hand with a sense of anxiety. The responsibility associated with caring for a perfect little one is enormous. The task at hand is a big one and naturally comes with a lot of fears and uncertainty. 
Those who are already prone to anxiety or depression may struggle even more. Change can be a trigger for some people and let's face it parenting is a constant wave of change. 
In this day and age so much of our day can be made easier with apps. We can do our food shopping online, pay our bills and tick off our to-do list all with the touch of a button. As it turns out we can also help look after our mental health with apps too. 
Here are our top 3 Mental Health Apps and why we like them. 
This app focuses on guided meditation and relaxation. There are themed sessions and meditation sessions to suit all time-frames. There are even some SOS exercises to aid you in times of sudden panic or stress. We know people who use this every night before sleep and we can see why. 
This is a company that specialise in merging mindfulness and modern technology. The creator saw a niche in the market as so many people wanted to experience and work on mindfulness but felt that life was too busy and it simply took too much time. The app focuses on meditation and improving sleep at a time where life is busier than ever. 
This app specifically aims to help with anxiety. It aims to help you track your mood over time. It also offers guided breathing exercises and daily anti-anxiety experiments. There is also the option to record ones own thoughts to help analyse and understand thought patterns as well as possible triggers. 
Written by Tracey Quinn, staff writer at Family Friendly HQ