I for one, feel like I am always chasing my tail. I feel stress daily and I never feel like I complete my to-do-list. If you’re feeling the same know that you’re not alone. Constant stress is bad for our health. But, with hectic lives sometimes stress is just unavoidable.

I for one, feel like I am always chasing my tail. I feel stress daily and I never feel like I complete my to-do-list. 
If you’re feeling the same know that you’re not alone. 
Constant stress is bad for our health. But, with hectic lives sometimes stress is just unavoidable. Here is a list of some simple changes you can make to try and help you feel less stress and anxiety.
Make a list
I am a huge believer in lists. I love a handwritten list!  Writing things down not only helps you get stuff done, and prevents you from forgetting about something that needs doing, but also helps you feel calmer because you are no longer just juggling this do-to list in your head.
Whether you use a planner or have a calendar on your fridge, it doesn't really matter, just as long as you write things down somewhere where you see often. 
A great time to start is a Sunday, sit down and plan out your week. Write down everything you need to do and everything each one of your little ones has to do. Write down everything you know you have planned, no matter how small. 
It can also be a good idea to in the morning, write yourself a little to-do list for the day, starting with the most important thing that you need to make sure gets done. That way, you'll always feel like you are on top of your life, and are less likely to feel like you’re chasing your tail, causing you stress.
Do a de-clutter of your home
Clutter and mess can cause us anxiety and is a stress, reminding us we have no time to tidy. For me, a clutter-free and clean home is a calm and relaxing place to be. 
However, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed at the thought of tackling your whole house in one go. Start bit by bit, room by room. Make a list of which rooms and areas you want done and what you would like to achieve in them. Whichever area stresses you the most, start there, and you'll soon realise you feel calmer (and more ready to tackle the rest of your house next).
Be strict about your bedtime routine
Don't underestimate the power and importance of sleep – it is vital when it comes to beating feelings of stress and anxiety.
It is so easy to try to catch up on adult time – or me time, even – after you finally get the kids to bed, as well as running around getting everything ready for the next day. But to feel your best, and to give your body a chance to rest and recover, you need to make sleep a priority.
Just like children, most adults also feel calmer with certain routines in place, and bedtime is the perfect time to be strict about a routine that actually helps get you to feel relaxed and ready for sleep.
Get Moving
Exercise is proven to help us combat feelings of stress and anxiety it is an essential step in Self Care.
If you struggle to make it to the gym every day, find other ways to be active. Walk to work, take the kids to the park after school and jog after them as they scoot or cycle, find a yoga session on Youtube and do it in your living room. Exercise doesn’t need to be complicated, just try to make sure you do something every day, and you will soon see how much energy it gives you and how it just seems to melt away stress and feelings of anxiety.
Written by Laura Doyle staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at www.lovelifeandlittleones.com.