There are so many positives about the Slimming World plan. In fact, I would struggle to find a negative. 

I’m Tracey! I am a Slimming World Consultant in Tallaght but most importantly I am a Slimming World member. I have lost five stone following the plan and words cannot convey just how much it has changed my life in every single way.
I was a comfort eater, a secret eater and miserably unhappy for all of my teenage life. Since becoming a parent something clicked for me. I want to be around for my son for as long as I can be. I don’t want him to grow up seeing food as the enemy and as a reason to hide his emotions. Slimming World has changed everything for me and I want to help others do the same.
There are so many positives about the Slimming World plan. In fact, I would struggle to find a negative. It’s the plan that is changing thousands of people’s lives every single day and it’s a privilege to be able to help people to do that.
If you were on the fence about joining a group or perhaps you haven’t heard a great deal about Slimming World this post just might help you. Here are, in my opinion, the ten best things about Slimming World.
1. Carbohydrates. Need I say more? I’ve been on the receiving end of the misinformation that eating things like bread, pasta, rice and grains prevents you from losing weight. I eat them every single day and have lost over five stone following this plan. I couldn’t live without my Slimming World chips and my favourite home-made egg fried rice.
2. It’s guaranteed me-time once a week. Regardless of how the week went (we all have weeks that go pear-shaped) I look forward to an hour to myself. I love seeing the familiar faces and friends I’ve met at group, sitting my bum down on the seat and having the nicest cuppa of the entire week because this time is all about me! There are so many laughs and I always leave feeling inspired and with some new recipes or product information under my belt.
3. You can eat out. At least once a week you’ll see me in Nandos, Subway or enjoying a Chinese takeaway.
4. You never feel deprived which means it’s realistic long-term. There is always room for treats and that little bit of whatever floats your boat. For me, it’s chocolate with a cup of tea in the evenings.
5. You will never go hungry. There are so many free foods to enjoy that you should never and will never be hungry. It’s impossible. I’m always full of energy as a result.
6. There is SO much support both at group and on social media. With more people than ever losing weight with Slimming World you’ll find tonnes of social media accounts to help inspire and motivate you. People like you or me who are losing weight and eating delicious food. Just look for yourself and search the #slimmingworld on Instagram.
7. It’s backed up and supported by nutritionists and health care professionals. That is why doctors are happy to refer their patients to Slimming World and why Midwives are happy for pregnant women to follow the plan. It’s so easy to have confidence in the plan for this reason.
8. It will always be there for you. No matter how the week has gone or where life has taken you it’s so easy to join a group and start fresh. Slimming World will always have your back. I’ve had large gains, holidays and random hiatuses but once I re-joined I fell back in love with the plan immediately as the results spoke for themselves.
9. Supermarkets and brands are creating products and catering for people who follow this plan. There has never been a better time to join with so many options when it comes to products that make the plan even easier to follow and enjoy.
10. The maintenance plan actually works. That’s right – with Slimming World you will lose weight, get to target and most importantly stay there to enjoy the pay-off.
Tracey is a happy mammy to four-year-old Billy. She is a breastfeeder, gentle parent and has recently lost five stone so healthy family eating is her passion! You can find her at