I’m here today to stress the importance of loving yourself before you even start your weight loss journey. Loving yourself at the beginning is one of the greatest tools that will help you get to the finish line. In my experience as a slimmer self-love is vital. 

I’m Tracey! I am a Slimming World Consultant in Tallaght but most importantly I am a Slimming World member. I have lost five stone following the plan and words cannot convey just how much it has changed my life in every single way. I was a comfort eater, a secret eater and miserably unhappy for all of my teenage life. Since becoming a parent something clicked for me. I want to be around for my son for as long as I can be. I don’t want him to grow up seeing food as the enemy and as a reason to hide his emotions. Slimming World has changed everything for me and I want to help others do the same. 
I’m here today to stress the importance of loving yourself before you even start your weight loss journey. Loving yourself at the beginning is one of the greatest tools that will help you get to the finish line. In my experience as a slimmer self-love is vital. 
Losing weight is a loving thing to do in general. The very act of trying to lose weight is a goal that is steeped in self-care in one way or another. For some people the goal is aesthetics. They might want to be a certain size or weight for a big holiday, birthday or maybe even their wedding day. This goal is very much related to self-care and self-love as the aim is to look and feel better. Many of us feel more confident and happy when we are more comfortable in our own skin. 
For other people, weight loss goals are connected to health. Their current weight may be bringing a whole host of health issues such as high blood pressure and risk of diabetes and heart issues. Weight loss may have been recommended by a health professional. 
All of these reasons are valid and important. The reason why someone chooses to lose weight is incredibly personal. It comes from within and it was enough to encourage that person to join a Slimming World group which is a very brave thing to do. When they arrived they would have been welcomed into a warm and friendly atmosphere, but taking those first steps can feel daunting at the same time. The reason why this decision is so connected to self-love is that it is one of those things that nobody can do for you. People can support you and love you throughout your journey but they cannot do it for you. Loving yourself and knowing how many benefits this is going to bring to your life is what helps you get through the more challenging times. These times are inevitable for any journey. Sometimes motivation is low or stressful times in your life take a front seat in your mind. 
Finding the strength to continue to food optimise when life is stressful is nothing short of loving yourself dearly. It is the option that will bring you all the positives. During those moments jumping ship can seem like the kindest thing to do because it gives you one less thing to “worry” about. It’s one less thing to think about. But I cannot emphasise how short term this is. What follows is the guilt and disappointment. Choosing to food optimise is always the kindest and most loving option. The kind of foods you eat when you are following the Slimming World plan make you feel energised and more upbeat. They nourish you and taste delicious. They also take you closer to your goal which you will never regret. 
If you are at the beginning of your weight loss journey and you have the attitude that you are not enough now but you will be happy when you get to your target weight, I urge you to reconsider this attitude. It will hold you back so much. Look yourself in the mirror, tell yourself you are wonderful NOW and notice just how much easier it is to make the right choices for that person. Loving yourself right now is what it needed to take the next step in any weight loss journey. You are no less worthy of love, friendship, respect and happiness now. You are wonderful and you are loved. Knowing this will be the very thing that makes this weight loss journey a really successful one. 
Written by Tracey Quinn staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at www.loveofliving.ie.