Do you ever think about how much time you spend sleeping? The average person sleeps around eight hours a day, which can add up to practically one-third of your life! If you're not putting all those hours to good use, by applying an overnight face mask or sleeping on skin-loving silk, you should be. It is called beauty sleep, after all. 

Do you ever think about how much time you spend sleeping? The average person sleeps around eight hours a day, which can add up to practically one-third of your life! If you're not putting all those hours to good use, by applying an overnight face mask or sleeping on skin-loving silk, you should be. It is called beauty sleep, after all. 
Your body needs sufficient rest in order for you to look and feel good, so first and foremost you should make sure that you're getting enough sleep every night. Secondly, you should be utilizing each one of those hours you are sleeping and squeezing every bit of rejuvenation from your night sleep. 
Some of these ideas are best if you do them every night, while others are ideal for once or twice a week.
Invest in a Silk pillowcase
This is probably my top tip for improving your beauty sleep. Once you sleep with a silk pillowcase you'll never look back. It helps avoid hair breakage and damage by keeping your hair soft and frizz-free. There are also claims that it helps to minimize wrinkles.
Dry Shampoo before bed
Are you even a mum if you don’t own a bottle of dry shampoo? Dry shampoo is a staple in my beauty regime. If you know you're not going to have time to wash your hair in the morning, use dry shampoo before going to bed. It'll work fine in the morning too, but if you put it in before bed then the dry shampoo will have the entire night to get to work. You'll wake up in the morning with great hair that smells amazing, and you'll save time too.
Use a nourishing hair mask
This hack can get a little messy but it's completely worth it if you have dry, damaged, or frizzy hair. Coconut oil is the best oil to use on hair because it can actually penetrate the hair shaft to work its magic. It's incredibly nourishing for both your hair and your scalp (and a healthy scalp leads to healthier hair). It can be a little heavy for some hair types, so start small until you know how your hair reacts.
Once you know your hair likes it, just slather on as much coconut oil as you like before bed and then cover it with a shower cap or put a towel over your pillow. In the morning, rinse it out with shampoo-use a clarifying shampoo if you feel like you're having a hard time removing the coconut oil. You'll have shiny, hydrated hair with basically zero effort on your part. 
Give your skin hours of hydration 
Nobody wants to wear a sheet mask to bed, but luckily that's not the only kind of face mask out there. Overnight face masks are very hydrating moisturizers that are meant to nourish your skin all night long. These have become quite popular so you should have no problem finding one that suits your budget and your skin type. Once you've found one that you like, use it nightly or as needed and you'll wake up with soft, moisturized skin.
Don’t forget your lips
Lips need hydration too, and the best time to wear a hydrating lip balm is overnight so that it has plenty of time to absorb without annoying you with the feeling of something heavy on your lips. Leave it on your nightstand so you will always remember to pop it on right before you turn off the lights.
Written by Laura Doyle staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at