It may not come as a surprise to you, but recent studies have shown that parents born between 1980 and 2000, are the most tech-savvy parents to date.

It really comes as no surprise to me. Not only have we been the first generation using social media and technology but as our children start to grow up, for most of us it is a case of necessity to educate ourselves in order to keep up with our rapidly learning little ones. 

Some parents have done a 180 and don’t allow screens or have minimal technology at home. But, is this sustainable? In a world where iPads are slowly replacing schoolbooks, is it even possible to shield your little one from this new tech-savvy world and lifestyle?

I am all about information being power - I think the best way for me to protect my children from the dangers of the internet is to be as educated as I can on all things tech.

Screens and social media are inevitable - if not in their own home they will encounter one in their friend or neighbour's house when you are not there.

So, for me I would rather be open and honest with my little ones about the internet and social media and the dangers and damage it can cause. 

Because of the plethora of parenting resources, whether online or in books, millennial parents have a much larger availability of research.

I believe many parents have similar opinions and therefore have become more and more tech-savvy than any parents who went before us. 

But that is not the only difference for us millennial parents.

Millennial parents just might be changing parenting forevermore, here is why.

Millennial parents recognize that there is no ‘one size fits all’ type of parenting. Each family, parent, child and situation have different needs and attention.

Millennial parents are one of the first generations of parents to recognize this and to practice it. Because of the plethora of parenting resources, whether online or in books, millennial parents have a much larger availability of research on different parenting styles than ever before. 

Many millennial parents also put an emphasis on raising their children to be individual and empowering them to be themselves. It's breathtaking, really. Children are getting more and more room to grow and learn who they are and also to express that more freely than ever before.