I think it’s safe to say that it also tends to be a time of year that comes with a lot of stress. It tends to “bring up” a lot of emotional stress for people for many reasons.

Christmas is such a special time of year for so many different reasons. Simply having the opportunity to enjoy a few days off work and be around your friends and family is such a novelty.
I think it’s safe to say that it also tends to be a time of year that comes with a lot of stress. It tends to “bring up” a lot of emotional stress for people for many reasons. We are reminded of loved ones that we have lost and who we feel should be here.
At the same time family, politics and dynamics can make it difficult for things to run smoothly. To add to this there is the financial stress of present buying, hosting guests and the stress that can come with a copious amount of alcohol which can really bring the worst out in people.
Wouldn’t it be great to find a way to keep stress to a minimum on Christmas Day? After all, it should the day where everything comes together to enjoy the good parts of the festivities. Unfortunately, there is a huge amount of potential for stress on the big day itself.
Here are some helpful tips to help you keep stress to a minimum on Christmas Day.
1. In the days leading up to Christmas organize the outfits so that you won’t even have to think about them on the day itself. If you have children leave out everything from clothes to underwear and any accessories they might be wearing. It is one thing you won’t have to think about on the day when they don’t want to be peeled away from their toys for any amount of time.
2. When it comes to the cooking do as much as you can in advance and do not be afraid to take shortcuts. You probably won’t get the desired reaction for your home-made Yorkshire puddings and gravy so save yourself the hassle and buy the easy to prepare versions. Nobody will know the difference but you will have more time to enjoy the festivities with everyone.
3. Children thrive on information and knowing what is going to be happening. Have a chat with the kids ahead of time and tell them how the day will pan out. Plant the seed that after X amount of time we will have to get dressed and go visiting but reassure them that they will back to play with their toys before they know it.
4. As difficult as it is trying to not over-do it on the chocolate, crisps and goodies throughout the day. Nobody will be hungry enough to enjoy the dinner you have dedicated hours to and it will reduce the levels of “hyper” dramatically.
5. Make your own rules. If exchanging gifts with your extended family works better on Christmas Eve or in the days leading up to it then do that. Whatever frees up your time and allows you to relax more on the big day.
6. Have a couple of bags ready to throw all of the paper, cardboard and wrapping paper in to. You can stash it in the shed or a bedroom to get it out of the way until you can recycle it or until bin day.
7. Expect mess. You’ve spent days and days deep cleaning the house even though you know it won’t last. Try to go with the flow and not allow the mess to ruin your day. People won’t remember the mess – they will remember the laughs, good times and company.
8. For the love of Christmas, buy batteries for the kids’ toys to avoid world war three that morning.

Tracey is a happy mammy to four-year-old Billy. She is a breastfeeder, gentle parent and has recently lost five stone so healthy family eating is her passion! You can find her at www.loveofliving.ie.