There are many types of pedicures but a classic or regular pedicure generally takes place in a nail salon rather than a spa.

A pedicure is a cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails. There are many types of pedicures but a classic or regular pedicure generally takes place in a nail salon rather than a spa.
Classic pedicures typically last between 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the condition of your feet and whether or not you choose a polish application. 
Can men get pedicures too?
Yes! Contrary to popular belief, pedicures aren’t just for women. In fact, many podiatrists and athletic coaches recommend men receive pedicures as part of a healthy foot care routine. The foot treatment is said to help maintain foot health and ward off many problematic and painful foot issues like calluses, heel fissures and ingrown toenails. 
What does a pedicure feel like?
When you’ve never had a pedicure before, it’s easy to imagine a host of different tactile experiences. Especially because some people describe the foot treatment as relaxing, while others say it feels weird and even ticklish. Each person responds to pedicures in a different way, but here’s the typical pedicure process to give you an idea of what you can expect:
  • A soak: The first step of a pedicure is a warm foot soak to help soften and relax the skin and toenails.
  • Nails trimmed: Next step is nail trimming. It is not imperative though and is only done upon a client’s request. If asked for, your therapist will use nail clippers to cut length off your toenails.
  • Nails shaped:Your nails will then be shaped using a nail file. Your therapist will file straight across to prevent ingrown nail growth.
  • Cuticle work: Cuticles are the dry skin surrounding the nail plate, where your nail and finger meet. The therapist will use a cuticle remover cream to soften cuticles, which are then soaked in warm water.
  • Exfoliation: Your therapist will use a deep exfoliation scrub to rid your feet of excess skin. The scrub will be applied generously up to your ankles, then removed with water. This step leaves your skin fresh and soft.
  • Hydration bath:Your therapist will invite you to place your feet into the pedicure bowl to soak in warm water.
  • Foot massage:After drying you off, your therapist will use a foot lotion to massage your feet and lower legs. This relaxing step leaves your skin hydrated
  • Buff to shine:In the case of men’s pedicures or if you’re not having polish, buffing will be the final step of your treatment. Using a nail buffer, your therapist will polish the nail surface to create a consistent and shiny look.
  • Nails painted: Painting is done in multiple steps to attain a glossy and long-lasting result. A clear base coat is applied to your nails to help the polish stick better to your nails. The next step is to apply two coats of nail polish. Finally, your therapist will paint on a top coat. This coat acts to seal the coloured polish, which prevents chipping. The top coat also gives your nails that desired glossy appearance.
How often should I get a pedicure?
A monthly pedicure during winter is appropriate, but you may need more frequent foot love come sandal season. If you're very diligent about removing dead skin cells and callus build-up, moisturising, trimming and shaping your toenails, you may be able to get away with going for longer without one, but pedicures are also a great excuse to sit back and relax and take some time out for yourself.
Laura Doyle, Mum of 4. Kyle 9, Noa Belle 4, Briar 2 and Milla 12 months. Breastfeeder, co-sleeper, coffee drinker. Staying positive and inspired by the chaos of it all. Follow her on Instagram.