Between Christmas shopping, decorating the house and fending off that winter cold (or looking after little ones that have inevitably caught that cold), December can leave you feeling a little flustered. 

Between Christmas shopping, decorating the house and fending off that winter cold (or looking after little ones that have inevitably caught that cold), December can leave you feeling a little flustered.
And Christmas party beauty prep may be the last thing on your to-do list. But, remember you deserve that break too and a well-deserved night off.
However busy you may be, finding time to spruce up for the festivities ahead is key to making sure you look and feel great in time for Christmas. 
1. Skin Prep
As the weather is cooler you should have changed your skin care regime up slightly already. If not, now is a good time to use a gentler cleanser. A more hydrating moisturiser and/or oil. Use your moisturiser not only on your face but also on your whole body. Even just once or twice a week. Remember the skin is an organ. It needs to be kept hydrated too!
2. Spray Tan
Chances are the majority of your body has not seen the light of day in 5 months! Now is a good time as any to dust the cobwebs off and get a spray tan. Even if you don’t plan on getting the legs (or arms?!) out this Christmas, a spray tan can make you feel 10 times taller, slimmer and sexier. Book a spray tan for your Christmas party, you will never regret getting one.
3. Make-up
Book in to get your make-up done for your Christmas party and treat yourself. Get yourself a coffee or a hot chocolate before your appointment and enjoy the magic and buzz of the festivities in the shops. In most make-up departments, this fee is redeemable against products so the make-up application is basically free, right?
4. Hair Cut
Why is it we only get our hairs cut in the summer? If you are anything like me, your hair hasn’t been given the chop in about 5 months either. Book your Christmas hair cut the day of your Christmas party, two birds…..
5. Buy a staple piece
Our biggest advice to any woman (or man) this Christmas season: buy a staple piece for your wardrobe. Let it be a dress, a blazer, a skirt or even some shoes. Something you can dress up or dress down. With a dress, you could add tights and a jacket or a woollen jumper over it for work or casual wear. But if you invest in one good piece you will get multiple wears out of it this Christmas!