During ovulation, when an egg is released from an ovary, some women experience a sensation commonly referred to as ovulation pain.

During ovulation, when an egg is released from an ovary, some women experience a sensation commonly referred to as ovulation pain.
The sensation is usually a sudden twang, pop or twinge in the lower abdomen, which coincides with the ovulatory stage of the menstrual cycle. But some women would describe ovulation as being painful. However, due to the fact that ovulation pain is common these days, it might come as a shock to hear that it’s actually not normal.
Yes, many women will feel ovulation, and it isn’t a big deal. But acute, severe, stabbing or debilitating pain is not normal. If the level of pain you experience requires painkillers or stops you from getting on with your day, you need to get checked by a reproductive specialist. Remember your GP may not specialise in gynaecology, bare that in mind when making an appointment.  
The most common causes of ovulation pain are actually a warning that you have an underlying health issue that should be addressed.
In fact, some of the underlying causes of ovulation pain can result in fertility problems that might prevent you from getting pregnant.
The most common causes of ovulation pain are:
1. Cysts on the ovaries
Ovulation pain is often a sign of cysts on the ovaries. Cysts can form or burst during the ovulation period. Women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) often experience ovulation pain due to multiple ovarian cysts. Cystic ovaries are the result of a hormonal imbalance, usually related to insulin resistance. Sugar and grains in the diet cause spikes in blood sugar levels, and also cause inflammation in the body. Significantly reducing or eliminating sugars and grains can be highly beneficial.
2. Endometriosis
Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease which affects the ovaries and fallopian tubes. It can also cause pain during the ovulatory period. Other symptoms of endometriosis include: pain during intercourse, migraines, constipation, headaches, and dizziness. Some women with endometriosis can be asymptomatic. This why it’s important to see a specialist if you’re experiencing any fertility issues.
3. Bacteria from medical procedures
Bacteria can be introduced into the pelvic cavity through catheters, during surgery, and even in childbirth. The bacteria can cause inflammation and infection, resulting in ovulation pain.
4. STI
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are also possible causes of ovulation pain. One example of an STI is chlamydia. It can cause inflammation in the fallopian tubes, scarring, and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Chlamydia can also cause another condition, which results in the fallopian tubes being blocked with pus, causing inflammation and pain.
Are you up to date with your Cervical Check?
If you are a woman aged 25 to 60 and have a cervix (neck of the womb), you should have a cervical screening (smear test) when it's due. This is the best way to reduce your risk of developing cervical cancer.
Even if you have had the HPV vaccination, you should have your screening test each time it's due. This is because the HPV vaccine doesn't guarantee complete protection against cervical cancer.
Depending on your age, you should have a test:
  • aged 25 to 44 - every 3 years
  • aged 45 to 60 years - every 5 years
You may also be asked you to have more frequent screening tests - in 12 months - if there is a need for extra monitoring.
If you are aged 25 to 60 and have never had a cervical screening test, you can make an appointment with a registered GP, doctor or clinic to have one.
You should have your second screening test three years after you have your first one. This is regardless of what age you are when you have your first screening test.
If you’re overdue for your visit or are having pain and other symptoms, call your GP today.
Laura Doyle, Mum of 4. Kyle 9, Noa Belle 4, Briar 2 and Milla 12 months. Breastfeeder, co-sleeper, coffee drinker. Staying positive and inspired by the chaos of it all. Follow her on Instagram.