Feminine hygiene may be an uncomfortable topic for some people but it is extremely important for ladies. It aids your overall health and helps to prevent all kinds of uncomfortable symptoms such as itching and an unpleasant odour.

Feminine hygiene may be an uncomfortable topic for some people but it is extremely important for ladies. It aids your overall health and helps to prevent all kinds of uncomfortable symptoms such as itching and an unpleasant odour. Paying attention to your hygiene down there will also help prevent bacterial infections which can be extremely painful and difficult to treat. 
We all know how to clean and maintain our skin, hair and nails but chances are that many of us do not know enough about how to look after ourselves in the female hygiene department. 
As it turns out the Vagina is actually really good at cleaning itself. It aims to maintain an optimum PH level that keeps things sterile and working properly. However, the things we add to that environment tend to cause a bit of upheaval which upsets the natural balance that the vagina has worked so effortlessly to create. Changing the PH of the vagina can encourage bacteria to grow. 
Here are seven tips for healthy vaginal health:
  • When choosing the best shop bought products to wash with – simply avoid products altogether. These products interfere with the vagina’s PH and cause it to become irritated and dry. A healthy vagina is not irritated and dry. There is no need to use products or soaps in this area at all. The Vagina has a very clever way of self-cleaning. To clean the exterior experts recommend using a very mild plain and sensitive soap. Unscented is best. After you have washed pay close attention to patting the groin area dry. This will help ensure that no extra moisture hangs around and leads to a yeast infection.
  • Cotton underwear is a must. Cotton allows your vagina to breathe. It allows for air to circulate which benefits your vaginal health. Tight fitting clothing and underwear such as thongs can do the very opposite. 
  • Consider that antibiotics affect your vaginal health. Only use them when they are completely necessary. They affect good and bad bacteria which can lead to a yeast infection (thrush). Using a probiotic alongside or after the course of antibiotics can help with this.
  • Remember that a healthy balanced diet is key for your vaginal health. Eating nutritious foods and drinking plenty of fluids is very important. Cranberry juice can be helpful if you are prone to urinary tract infections (UTIs) and yoghurt can help prevent yeast infections.
  • Let’s talk about wiping. If you have done a number two always wipe from front to back to avoid bacteria contaminating the vagina. For women, these openings are very close together. A bacterial infection will come with an unpleasant fishy smell, itching and burning when you urinate. 
  • Practice good sanitary hygiene during your monthly period. Change sanitary towels and tampons regularly and clean the area with warm water to avoid irritation and possible infection.
  • Contact your GP or visit a gynaecologist if you have any concerns about your vaginal health. Vaginal discharge is completely normal but if it comes with a persistent unpleasant smell it may be a sign of infection. Constant itching or irritation should always be investigated. And while we are here – always keep on top of your regular cervical smear tests which will monitor cervical changes which can help prevent Cancer in that area. 
Written by Tracey Quinn staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at www.loveofliving.ie.
