Going green doesn't mean you have to grow your own edible garden or become vegan overnight - it simply means you're taking responsibility for your actions and how they affect the world around us.

Be the change you want to see by becoming more eco-friendly and reducing your environmental impact with these simple tips. 

Spend less time in your car

We know giving up your vehicle is not as easy as we may think but there are ways of becoming more eco-friendly starting with your car.

In the summer months, walk, cycle, use public transport or even car share when possible. Maintain the correct tyre pressure on your car and lessen the load to avoid using more fuel.

It is also very important to service your car regularly. By having your car professionally serviced at least once a year, you will not only prolong the life of your engine, it will highlight any outstanding safety issues, saving you money in the long run.

In the summer months walk, cycle, use public transport or even car share when possible. Maintain the correct tyre pressure on your car and lessen the load to avoid using more fuel.

It is also very important to service your car regularly. By having your car professionally serviced at least once a year, you will not only prolong the life of your engine, it will highlight any outstanding safety issues saving you money in the long run.

Look for more eco-friendly alternatives such as biodegradable cotton buds and reusable straws.

Be a smart shopper

When browsing online or having a wander through your local shopping centre think before you buy. Try to avoid sales unless you are in need of a particular item, stop buying cheap plastic toys which you know will end up in the bin in a week or two or better yet see if a friend or family have what you need and no longer need. 

Watch what you eat

Earlier this year, the UN advised that meat consumption must fall across the world to curb the effects of global warming.

Try to add at least one meat-free day into your diet, if that is not an option, pork and chicken are better alternatives that produce less greenhouse gas emissions. 

Invest in a screw gun and a glue gun

Become a DIY god/goddess and upcycle or repurpose things you no longer need. You would be amazed what a splash of paint could do to an old set of chest of drawers or even your kitchen in some cases.

Always try to look for alternatives - before you pull the house apart, you would be surprised by some of the little hacks you will learn along the way and of course, the savings.

Ditch single plastics

In the next few months, plastic straws alongside nine other single-use plastics will be phased out following a Europe wide ban.

Cotton buds, plastic cutlery and balloon sticks will be completely illegal by 2021 but why wait until then to stop using them?

Look for more eco-friendly alternatives such as biodegradable cotton buds and reusable straws.

Don't throw it away

As the saying goes, one man's trash is another man's treasure so why not see if anyone would like your old stuff? Charity shops take most items like ornaments, furniture and clothes in all shapes and sizes so think before you ditch - otherwise it will just end up on landfill for many years to come.

Nowadays there are hundreds of zero waste Facebook pages where families swap and share unwanted items by giving them a new home.

Conserve water and energy

Become more eco-friendly by switching off any electronics that are on standby such as the TV, wifi and even your kettle - a small change that will help conserve energy but will also benefit you in the long run with massive saving.

Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth, repurpose bath water to flush the toilet or why not use it to hydrate the garden plants in the summer months.