Sometimes Easter eggs aren't always the answer...

Easter is an exciting occasion for children. The Easter bunny arrives overnight and delivers more chocolate than any one human can consume. 
So when your kids receive an abundance of chocolate eggs you know you're in for a LONG day!
However, have you ever thought about putting guidelines in place for Easter, or having token gestures instead of chocolate?
Here are a couple of things we think you can do to make sure your kids don't indulge in sugar overload this year...
  • Talk to family - explain to your extended family that you only want the kids receiving one chocolate egg each, so there's no need to arrive with bucket loads. 
  • Adventures - Go on a family adventure instead of sitting around at home eating chocolate. Be it for long walks, or a trip to an adventure centre, make sure you enjoy the day as a family. 
  • Board Games - Treat the kids to some new games, be it board games or video games, something small that doesn't cost a fortune to go along with the egg.
  • Books - Give the kids some new books instead of ten million eggs, this is one you'll never regret. Set them some challenges too, and when complete they can have a piece of chocolate of your choosing! 
