January is a tough month that seems to go on forever, and apparently that peaks on January 17, which is deemed the bluest day of the year.

Now that Blue Monday has come and gone – phew! Let’s think of a few ways to make the rest of January fly by.

BBQs Aren’t Just For Summer

We know every parent wants more snores (aka sleep), however something you might find even more exciting than a lie in is a s’more! These gorgeous, gooey treats are the perfect January pick-me-up and they’re oh so simple and oh so fun to make. You might associate BBQs with the summer but there’s nothing to stop you huddling around one in the winter too. Everyone has their own twist on the technique, but essentially you need a plain biscuit for the top and bottom of the sandwich, a couple of chunks of your favourite chocolate to act as one layer and then a toasted marshmallow (that you’ll have perfectly prepared on your BBQ) to act as the second layer. Squeeze it all together and enjoy!

Picnic Time For Teddy Bears

It’s hard enough to convince kids to step away from their devices to go for a family walk when it’s warm; when it’s cold outside it’s ten times tougher. If you need something to make a walk in the woods more exciting, what about packing a picnic? Ideally plan to go somewhere you know has plenty of benches to choose from, sitting on the ground (even if you have a blanket) might be a step too far. So, what should you pack to keep everyone toasty? Hot chocolate will go down a treat and if you want something warm. And if you want to eat too, what about soup? Both will require a thermal flask to keep the liquid warm and pack some fresh bread too for dipping – yum.

Feed The Birds

That’s a couple of food-related ideas ticked off, how about feeding someone else for a change? Pinecone bird feeders are easy and fun to make. The great thing is that you’ll encourage more birds to come into your garden, so you’ll have lots of bird watching to look forward to! First off, you need to challenge your kids to find some large pinecones, or they may already have some perfect ones set aside. Secure some string around the cone and leave the other end loose, ready to tie to a branch. Then cover the cone with peanut butter, add some birdseed if you wish, and lastly hang it in a shaded position in your garden.

Good luck with putting the above into action post Blue Monday, I’m sure the kids will be tickled pink rather than feeling blue if you try out a few of the ideas (as long as you don’t cancel screen time completely).