We think half of the country breathed a sigh of relief when the little ones went back to school this year and we totally get it.

It can be so full-on with the kids at home all summer long.  Being completely honest, we think most of them get bored themselves by the end of it. Children thrive with routine and well ... We need the break!

Along with the relief of them going back to school, quite quickly comes the guilt - the guilt of feeling relieved at all. The guilt that maybe you might be missing them a bit. 

But here is why you should not be feeling any mum guilt now your little ones are back to school:

You need me-time.

A happy mum is a happy family. We need our own free time. Mentally or physically you can’t do a job 24/7 and that includes being a parent. When your little one is in school, it gives you the opportunity to do the jobs you have on your to-do list or do something that is just for you. It also means that when they get home, you can be present and hands-on with them without the niggling feeling of your to-do list in the back of your mind.

It's good for your kids.

It’s fun for little ones to mix with other children. They learn so much about life and the world through just being around other children. You can be rest assured their teacher is making sure they are happy and feeling safe and supported while they thrive. 

Having a relationship with a friend or a group of friends is vital in adulthood.

Children thrive when in a routine.

One amazing thing about the summer holidays is the lazy mornings, the looser bedtime routines and the general feeling of calm. But we know that children thrive when they feel secure within a routine. When they return to school, you create a routine for them where they feel supported.

When children have routine in their lives, they know what to expect and they will find great comfort and safety within that. Routine provides a child with safety that they can rely on. 

You can meet with friends.

Having a relationship with a friend or a group of friends is vital in adulthood - a few friends you can talk to about anything, without fear of judgment. Friends that make you feel better by just validating how you are feeling and assuring you they are feeling the same. 

If you find it difficult to make friends, online groups could be a great way to find a group you could join. If you have a certain hobby or interest, start there and see where it takes you. 

The most important thing to remember is, you may be a mum and that is a huge job, but you are also you. Balancing the two is really key for your mental health and yourself. If you are the best version of yourself, your children will only reap the rewards of that.