This mum writes this letter to her little girl's first teacher

Dear Junior Infants Teacher, 
I know you have lots of tiny humans who’s first day of school starts tomorrow, but the thing is, I’m petrified. Probably even more petrified than my little girl is. I imagine they take it all in their stride, the tiny ones, whereas us parents think about all the what if’s, the worst case scenarios! I have so many questions that I know you won’t have time to answer, so many worries that you won’t have time to calm. But please just know how much I worry, please remember that, when I’m asking you how she got on for the millionth time. 
Please remember she is my one and only, it’s just the 2 of us, and the thought of her being in big school, with hundreds of other kids, big and small, all by herself, literally squishes my heart. The thought of her falling over, and not getting the cuddles & loves she would normally be used to, puts a massive lump in my throat. The thought that she may struggle to make friends?! Well I can’t even think about that one for too long. I worry that she’s a leftie, that she writes her name from right to left instead of left to right. If she is afraid, who will be there to comfort her?! 
You see, I know it’s all about the children, all about the uniforms and bags and preparation, but what about us parents? It’s such a massive milestone, to make it to big school, that I really don’t think the parents are given enough kudos for sucking it all up so well. Deep down I know she’ll be ok, I know she’ll have her good days and bad, but it won’t stop me from worrying about her, so please be patient with both of us, and in time we will find our own little flow and I’ll stop asking so many questions… In time…. 
I know you will do a ridiculously wonderful job teaching my child so many wonderful things that I wouldn’t be able to, but please remember how big a deal this is for me too, as a Mommy, of a very precious tiny human. 
I hope I don’t annoy you too much with too many questions, I swear I’m not normally like this…. 
Warmest worries,
A brand new Junior Infants Mommy.
Written by Sinéad who is 35 and a (widowed) Mom of 1! She hails from Dublin. Sinead has her own blog to keep us up to date with life with her tiny human! Check it out at