Running a family household is probably one of the hardest jobs in the world, but it must be done.

The truth is, running a family household is probably one of the hardest jobs in the world, but it must be done.
Without a good plan in place madness ensues and even with a plan madness is guaranteed anyway, right?
We here at FamilyFriendlyHQ understand the struggle that is running the family’s life one day at a time; here are some funny truths about the daily battles every parent faces.
1. There will always be one
You know what I mean, right? When you are running the family schedule there will always be one who is not in the mood or one that is being plain difficult. All the ideas of a day out are long gone as when one kiddie is in a mood it inevitably passes through the others, if not the parents, and causes negativity!
2. The fridge will be full of letters and drawings
Yet, for all the reminders you will still forget something because you are only human and furthermore, the kids have the letter covered with their latest masterpiece. By masterpiece we mean a hand painting that you wouldn’t consider a hand anyway let alone your child’s hand, in fact, it resembles a hand of an animal!  
3. There will be kids everywhere
And some of them won’t be yours so while you are trying to get some routine into your daily lives, in pops Stevie from next door and before you know it he has made himself at home. No matter how much you try to plan for “quiet time” there will always be something to knock you off balance.
4. It will be chaotic at Christmas
Christmas is chaos anyway, but we love it! However, the many trips to extended family and the rows about dressing up will cause a lot of arguments at home. The threat of Santa not coming is possibly the only reason the kids will get into the car in their good shoes rather than a pair of runners. Also, with the added stress of activities, carol services, musicals and plays it is a month that is pure hectic!
5. Some days you won’t know where you are meant to be
It happens, a lot. Parents have no idea how to get from A to B for their child’s endless amount of parties, events and activities. Of course, you’ll have the plan, but it will go downhill when someone runs late, and the rest of the kids are screaming in case they miss their fun event!
6. It is exhausting
Never mind the endless amount of washing or the need to run after the kids all day but the planning is tiring, to say the least. Your son has the dentist, your daughter has an eye appointment and maybe your partner is away. You will find signing forms is a form of torture with the kids needing permission for this and that, and don’t forget the money! They will need money too for all their plans leaving parents broke!
But it is worth it – after all, the kids mean the world to you and yes, it is tiring running everyone’s schedules, but it has to be done one day at a time!
Emma Hayes is a thirty-something mum of two girls aged 16 and 10, planting her right into the teenage and tween-age years! Follow her on Twitter at @EmmaHayes25