The big point of concern is that many parents aren’t checking their social network privacy settings

New research shows that more than 900 images of children are being shared online by parents before their 5th birthday. The big point of concern is that many parents aren’t checking their social network privacy settings, leaving pictures and other sensitive/private information susceptible to misuse or, worse…
It’s so tempting to share our kids’ adorable or cute moments with those we're connected to online, but it's so important to be mindful that we may not have full control over what happens to these once they are 'out there'. The next time you upload photos, consider these four types of photos that could cause problems if shared on social media...
  • Nude photos: While you may think sharing photos of your toddler at bath time is cute, it’s an invitation for misuse. Don’t take the risk of those pictures getting into the wrong hands.
  • Photos with a hashtag of your child’s full name:Did you know that hashtags (#) are searchable on social media and hashtagging your child’s name  (Eg #TomMurphy) means you’re creating a library of your child’s information, including their activity and their photos.
  • Other people’s children: Some parents shield their children from social media altogether. So think before you post pictures of other people’s children or seek permission in advance. Samples include a birthday party, day out, football match, or any other social occasion. 
  • Where your kids go to school: Kids’ schools should be a safe zone, so let’s aim keep it that way. If you are taking photos of your children in the classroom or on school grounds (there were so many on people's newsfeeds over the past few weeks with kids starting school) make sure that the school’s logo isn't on display or the location isn’t geo-tagged in the post so that the name of the school is kept hidden.