We can get obsessed with 'how to' parenting when really all we need to do for the most part is switch our minds off and parent with our heart… its called mother nature for a reason!

Most first-time mums read all the books, fully educate themselves on motherhood and everything in between. But how do you fully learn how to be the mother you were born to be. Where in any of the books does it teach you instinct and gut feelings? We can get obsessed with “how to” parenting when really all we need to do for the most part is switch our minds off and parent with our heart… its called mother nature for a reason!!
Here are a few tips on channeling your inner mother:
Listen to your gut
In most aspects of life trusting my gut is something I try to do. But it is even more important to trust your gut with parenting. You will always hear people giving their opinions on how you ‘should’ do things and their way of doing it. But its important to remember that it is THEIR way. You can very easily, with some time and patience figure what your own way is.
Take a breath
Parenting can be overwhelming. No matter what ages your little ones are. Sometimes, as simple as it sounds all it takes is taking a breath and gathering yourself to relieve a little stress and find your center again. As parents we are all just doing the very best we can. But, during stressful times it can be easy to lose our sense of self and lose our strength as a parent. Take a breath and watch how you can suddenly start to see things just that little bit clearer.
Trust your instincts 
Maternal and paternal instincts are second to none. If you feel something in your gut your instincts are never far wrong. The trouble most parents have is finding your instincts, listening to them and using them. They are our first tool as a parent and they’re engrained in us. Use them. They know what to do!
Written by Laura Doyle. Laura is a 29-year old mother of four who blogs at Love, Life and Little Ones.