Inspiration for thoughtful Mothers Day gifts for your little one to make

Mothers day gifts don't have to cost the earth. We have found some simple but beautiful ideas for your little one to let Mum know how much they love them. 
Print out all the beautiful things about Mum and pop in a frame
Get your children to write all of the things they love about Mum and put in a pretty jar with a ribbon
Print out coupons for Mum to use. Examples can be: a big hug, a cup of tea, a bath. Your Mum can use them when she wants.
Wrap a candle with special message for your Mum
Have each child put their cards on a 'tree'. Use items around the house to decorate.
Put special items such as photos, letters and other memories in a pretty jar
A homemade card always touches Mums heart
10 thing you love about Mum in a jar
If your Mum has green fingers, pop some messages for her in a tin can and decorate with twine.
Paint an old wooden box with a message