When your children are little they won’t notice your embarrassing tendencies, however once they get a little older...

When your children are little they won’t notice your embarrassing tendencies, however... once your kids get older to the tween/teen stage they will be very vocal in their criticism of your antics.
In fact you will be regularly warned about behaving in public especially around your child’s pals and told “to be cool and not your usual embarrassing self!” Well that is us told so! Here are a few signs that you may be causing your youngsters some undue stress embarrassing them and by all means continue and watch your kids go red faced and bow their heads in utter shame. As they say “scarlet for ya!”
  • Fashion choices- Dad’s wearing sandals and socks is all kinds of wrong, and Mam’s wearing low cut dresses are a fashion faux pas too. If going out in public with your wee darlings you both should consult the fashion gurus before you leave the house to avoid any conflicts.
  • Public displays of affection (to the hip kids P.D.A’s) - Don’t try to hold hands, kiss or hug the nippers in any public area, it doesn’t matter if your kid has returned from the Amazon after a year away. This also applies to touching your partner in front of the kids or anywhere at all and you should refrain from fondling or smooching as it is “gross”.
  • Too much make up or not enough make up- No kid wants the Mammy that has a load of makeup and fake tan on that it gets constant comments from school friends. The same goes for no makeup your kids will be asking you “are you going out like that?” There really is no pleasing them.
  • Posting photos of your kids without permission- Catching the kids in less than complimentary positions is amusing to you and of course you subsequently click share. For your kids though they will be pleading for you to press delete, failing that they will hack your account and delete it anyway themselves!
  • Blasting music in the car- Good music is one thing but blaring Daniel O’Donnell in the car with the windows opening is a sure fire way to have your kids abandon you.
  • Barging into the dressing room while your kid is trying on clothes- Opening up the curtains with no warning for your child to cover up can be a shameful experience for your kid. It doesn’t matter how much you protest that “no one saw anything” as your nipper will be mortified.
  • Complaining/moaning to retail staff- Standing in a queue while your parent ear bashes a customer service worker for not having the right shoe size is humiliating. This is when your youngster might just play the “crazy” card and step further and further away from you and the poor worker.
  • Dancing at family occasions- We all love a good wedding and busting some moves is a wonderful way to dust off the cobwebs and get your body feeling alive again. For the kids though they will just want the ground to swallow them up, and just to be clear your kiddies will not want to dance along with you (unless they are toddlers).
  • Using baby wipes on your unsuspecting kids- Mothers always have a stash of baby wipes in their bag even when their kids are at an older stage and are unlikely to cover themselves in food. However there is remnants of toothpaste around your kid’s mouth and a quick wipe won’t hurt will it? Ah yes, yes it will!
  • Asking and answering private questions in public places- If you meet an acquaintance in town and they are asking how you are be polite and say “grand” and move on. It should work like that however parents tend to let their acquaintance be informed of their chronic back pain and bunions while your horrified kid looks on and tries not to heave! Zip it for the kiddie’s sake.
I bet most parents can relate to a number of these and will this stop you in your tracks? No, embarrassing the kids is too much fun and sure my parents did it to me so as they say pay it forward! Embarressing our kids is just one of the services we offer!
Written by Emma, Irish mummy blogger and staff writer at www.familyfriendlyhq.ie