People have been blending up cereal to create edible sand for their kids, and we think it's pretty genius.

By now, many of us know the benefits of sensory play for our children. Sand, water, aqua beads and even mud are all great ways to stimulate the senses of your little ones as they learn and develop through the world around them.

The best thing about sensory play is that for a lot of it you don't need to spend a dime - you can make a mud kitchen out of pallet wood, you can make cloud dough out of two simple ingredients and now, you can even make sand out of Cheerios.

Yep, run of the mil Cheerios.

The best part about this hack is that it's perfectly child-safe - you don't have to worry about sand getting into their little mouth as it's completely edible.

And it could not be easier to do, as TikTok user @elleannachristine shows below.


🌞🐠🌴 ##fyp ##sensoryplay ##upcycling

♬ Laxed (Siren Beat) - Jawsh 685

You simply pour some Cheerios into a blender and blend until they resemble fine dust.

Continue to do this until you have enough to fill up a small sandbox and voila! Homemade, edible sand.

Make sure to put a towel down where your child will be playing with the sand however, as things are bound to get messy!

Will you be giving this fun hack a go?

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