Medical professionals are warning new mums not to carry their babies in car seats too soon after giving birth to protect themselves from serious injury.

Medical professionals are warning new mums not to carry their babies in car seats too soon after giving birth to protect themselves from serious injury.
According to physiotherapists, mothers who carry bulky and awkward car seats can cause pelvic organ prolapse, therefore, putting their postnatal recovery at risk.
Amanda Savage, a spokesperson for the Professional Network of Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy told the BBC, new mothers are  "very, very vulnerable in those first few weeks". 
"You're carrying a heavy weight off to one side far away from your body often with your hand turned backwards or forwards and that's not a comfortable or ergonomic way to carry something."
She also stated women who have recently given birth should be strengthening support muscles in the early days and avoiding lifting anything other than their baby, of course. 
A pelvic floor prolapse is when one or more of your internal organs move down from their normal position leading them to bulge into the vagina often leading to pain and discomfort. 
Internal organs that can prolapse or droop include your bladder, small bowel, uterus, vagina and even the rectum.
While there are numerous causes to pelvic organ prolapse including heavy lifting some mothers are at increased risk including those who have endured a long difficult birth, mums who give birth to large babies and mothers of multiples. 
Pelvic organ prolapse is mostly treated with daily pelvic floor exercises and lifestyle changes, however, severe cases may result in surgery. 
Symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse include stress incontinence, lumping around the vagina, discomfort internally. pain during sex and a feeling of heaviness, dragging or lumping around the vagina area. 
It is believed 1-4 women suffer from a minor prolapse after having a baby but a majority of new mothers don't even realise or know there is a problem. Some simply put it down to changes in their body after having a baby. 
So take it as a warning mama's, take it easy and put your feet up whenever possible. 
It is probably worth looking into slings and baby carriers too if you find yourself in one of the at-risk categories.
Babywearing is a saviour for most mums, especially if you have more than one child.
Wearing your baby allows you to be hands-free while also carrying your baby safely leaving you free to keep up with the usual never-ending list of errands us parents face. 
Babywearing also helps reduce colic, reflux, flat head syndrome, helps reduce crying, helps aid bonding and of course, your baby is close enough to kiss. What's not to love about it?
If babywearing is not an option, avoid carrying your baby in their car seat for at least six to eight weeks after birth or just take the baby out of their car seat to help lighten the load.
Kellie Kearney is a Dublin mammy of 4 kids aged 2, 3, 4 and 8 (and she is expecting baby #5 in May). A self-confessed procrastinator and picker-upper of things, Kellie would never turn down a coffee and she loves to travel and share every day true to life moments on Instagram of her expanding family. Follow her daily adventures on Instagram