According to Dr Lawrence Weinstein, CMO at American Addiction Centres, the time of day you drink affects your body differently.

It’s the bank holiday weekend and many of us will no doubt be enjoying a glass of wine or beer – it’s been a long week and it’s a nice way to unwind.
However, while a glass of vino in the sun or in front of your favourite movie is a lovely way to relax, there is nothing worse than a hangover.
A hangover at the best of times is never good but a hangover when you’ve got screaming kids is just unbearable.
However, that doesn’t mean you should resort to drinking orange juice until the kids are 18, you just have to really think about where and when you drink.
According to Dr Lawrence Weinstein, CMO at American Addiction Centres, the time of day you drink affects your body differently.
"Alcohol absolutely affects the body differently depending on the time of day you drink, and it is all because of the body’s circadian rhythm,” she explained.
So what time is the best?
Well according to Dr Weinstein, day drinking may actually lower your risk of a hangover the following day. Usually because day drinking is associated with food and eating.
"In this situation, the amount of food eaten during the meal will affect the time it takes for alcohol to reach the bloodstream, and subsequently lessen the effects." 
But it can’t be just nibbling on peanuts or crisps. You need to be having a proper brunch or lunch for it to actually help.
However, it’s important to bear in mind that everyone’s body handles things differently, and taking on any form of drinking challenge during the day or drinking to excess is certainly not the way to go if you want to skip the hangover the next day.
Written by Mary Byrne, Content Executive at Family Friendly HQ. Follow her on Twitter: @marybyrne321
