It’s official – the festive season is well and truly upon us!

While the Christmas festivities have many jumping for joy, this time of year can also leave some people, especially parents stressed and under pressure. From trying to create the ‘perfect’ Christmas, to dealing with toxic family members, Christmas isn’t a fun time for everyone and can be a tough period to navigate. Let's face it, a stress-free Christmas is usually unheard of.

To make this season a small bit easier for you, our amazing Motherboard panel shared their top tips to surviving Christmas, which you can listen to below. As well as that, we've listed our top five favourite tips below for a stress-free Christmas!

Stop striving for perfection

There is an unspoken pressure that exists amongst parents to create the ‘perfect’ Christmas. We want to make sure to get the ‘perfect’ gifts for our little ones, have the ‘perfect’ meal and create the ‘perfect’ memories. The perfect and stress-free Christmas doesn’t exist and is only unnecessary pressure we put on ourselves when we could be spending that time focused on spending time with our family and loved ones.

Spend time with family and loved ones this Christmas.

Don’t be afraid to say no

They don’t call it the silly season for no reason! The night’s out and parties around Christmas time can be a load of fun, but they can also be draining. If you find your energy dwindling this time of year, don’t be afraid to say no to that party invite!

Don't be afraid to say no and stay in over the Festive period.

Comparison is the thief of joy

Always remember that people only share their highlight reels on Social Media, and this is particularly true around Christmas. People will never post their child having a tantrum just as they are sitting down to dinner or the family bickering. Comparison is the thief of joy, and it’s always best to stay in your own lane and enjoy your own Christmas and not focus on what anyone else is doing. In doing so, you are more likely to have a stress-free Christmas.

Manage expectations

Let’s face it, no matter what Santa brings your little ones; a tantrum will more than likely be had before the end of the day. And that is ok! Managing your expectations for the day will allow you to go with the flow and take it all as it comes. This time of year can also be a lonely time for many, so be sure to go easy on yourself and be kind to yourself.

Children may throw tantrums at Christmas and that's ok!

Time for you

The lead up to Christmas day can be a very stressful and tiring time, that by the time the day comes you are usually exhausted! Make sure to indulge in some self-care on Christmas day, whether it’s unplugging from your phone for the day, taking some alone time with a book or going for a walk. These things will really help in having a stress-free Christmas. It’s essential to ensure you look after yourself first, as you can’t fill from an empty cup.

Make sure to take time for you over the holidays!

Listen to our Motherboard panel share more of their Christmas tips on the latest podcast episode. Available now on all podcast platforms.